Human Design 人類圖設計祖師爺Ra Uru Hu談覺醒 :
There is no mystical path, there can't be a path, everybody has got a path, everybody IS a path.
Everybody is an illusion of separateness flying in space. There is no spiritual path. And the moment that you hear anybody stand up on a soapbox and say to you: "follow this way", you know right away that you are dealing with a liar. You can follow that way for experience, and only for experience.
Experience is nice, ok. But if you do those 75 mantras, if you sit on that mountain top, if you bla bla bla, whatever the case may be, please understand: you can not bargain your way into being awake. You can not make a deal to be awake. There is no path of "if I commit myself to this, I am going to get that" - this is called vanity.
Vanity get's depression.
Vanity doesn't get to wake up. - Ra Uru Hu