2019-06-29|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 18 分鐘

全球Commitment Quest 決心(承諾)追尋






    We live in a time that is witnessing a huge increase in “darkness” throughout the world. Violence, hatred, fear, and contempt for those who believe differently than you, are now the norm rather than the exception. Basic social customs are breaking down, groups are splintering into “us versus them” rigidity, and even nations are behaving as a bunch of angry children in the playground.

    In the face of this, let me say with absolutely no equivocation; anyone harboring any of these feelings, whether acted on or not, is NOT aligned with Spirit—are NOT spiritually awake, and are not even walking a spiritual journey but one of fantasy. To those who believe they are the only ones who ARE aligned with God, who ARE right, who SEE truly, you can add to the above list, delusion.

    Obviously, there are many people who ARE walking with one eye always on the laws of Spirit, who are constantly searching their heart for any stain of darkness, who seek always unity and love, yet, who too often sit passively by while the blind and violent rule the day. Of course, there are countless good people throughout the world who live a life of integrity, creativity, love, and peace who only need the support of others who are willing to stand strongly in the integrity of their own hearts as well. This is our stance.

    In the face of this situation, we are bringing out this Commitment Quest one of the versions for the third level of Quest! It is not a Quest to confront the actual darkness in the world and in others. No, that is not our job, and as Grandfather and Tom have said, it is too late to heal the earth, physically anyhow, it can only be done spiritually. This is a Quest to help you combat the heart of darkness within your own breast and to discern and strengthen your own journey to the light. It is a unique and personal journey that no one can forge but yourself by your day-to-day commitments and choices! This is the true battleground, the place where the war rages—and the only place where it will be won!

    We are not counseling “perfection” here, or in this Quest. We humans live in a realm where light and darkness are eternally balanced. A spiritual guide and teacher (a “Guru”) is not a being of pure light, but a being who has perfectly balanced, and reconciled, the light and dark within their heart, a reconciliation that requires full awareness of the presence and nature of both. And when fused together, light and dark create a powerful force for healing and grace in the world. Perfection? No. We seek to give you the opportunity to meet the “inner Guru” who lives in your heart, to open a conversation with the living, breathing truth deep in your heart, and learn to be guided by that balanced truth in all of your choices and commitments going forward.

    This Commitment Quest originates in ancient shamanic teachings but is specifically inspired by the strong hearts of the Cheyenne “Dog Soldiers* who, at the first sign of trouble would stake themselves in a place between the attack and their people and stand ready to fight, attached to their stake with an 8 foot unbreakable rawhide strap. They were, essentially, saying to the attackers, “this far and no farther”! That was their commitment and it was absolute, they staked everything on the line to protect what they loved more than life itself.

    That total commitment inspires us today. This is what we seek: this clarity, this passion, this commitment to say to any darkness that arises in our heart, “this far but no farther”! Where will you stand in your spiritual search for healing yourself and the earth? Is there anyplace you will draw that line? Anyplace you will just say “NO”?

    Actually, that is the first challenge of this Quest, becoming clear where you do stand, where you do commit, and how deep this commitment is. This is, perhaps, the hardest part of the Quest, requiring a level of honesty you may have never faced before; it is a seeking the truth in the core of your deepest heart, and that includes the darkness that lives there.

    This is one of the two hearts of the Quest and, thus, will take far longer to do than the actual Quest. There are several other parts of the preparation and the execution of this Quest that I will include in the “logistics” letter I will send to those who seek to join us, so email me as soon as you feel that this is the time for this step in your life. THERE IS A CUTOFF DATE AFTER WHICH I WILL NOT ACCEPT NEW APPLICANTS AS THERE WON’T BE SUFFICIENT TIME TO DO THE PREPARATION EFFECTIVELY. THAT DATE IS JUNE 13TH.

    This is a Quest only offered to those who have Quested a number of times, have taken the Vision Quest Protector Course, The Seven Levels of Quest, OR have extensive related experience on their spiritual journey. That is because this is a challenging Quest, physically, emotionally, and spiritually and those who are new to these practices might well be lost in the “doing” of the process, though there will be a call, offered several different times, the week before the Quest to clarify any issues or questions.

    The actual Quest is 24 hours beginning at first light on June 29thand ending 24 hours later. As with the Power Quest last year, I will be doing this Quest in the Pine Barrens of NJ but each of you can do it in your own neighborhood, or join me in the Pines. Some of you might like to band together to do it in the same vicinity in your own areas. The point is for us to coordinate our Quests throughout the world to empower our efforts.

    There is no cost for this Quest other than the blood, sweat, and tears you will shed to prepare and to do it. Those joining me in the Pines can come on June 28 and bring any food they will need or want, however, clear that with me as the Tracker primitive camp is in use that day so I will have to give you special instructions about where to meet.

    If you feel a calling for this step now, please join us—but know that your life will change. If you are interested, email me as there is no formal application process for the Quest.

    Malcolm Ringwalt

    * I am not an expert in the Dog Soldiers of the Cheyenne, or any of the many other nations who had this society, and so I apologize for any historical mistakes made talking about them above. Their bravery and commitment inspire me, and inspire the movement of this Quest, and I seek only to honor them and their sacrifice and not to demean them in any way.





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