Corgi 柯基犬

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Hi there! I'm a Corgi, an adorable breed known for my short legs and long body. My name "Corgi" comes from Welsh, meaning "dwarf dog," which suits me perfectly due to my short legs and elongated body.

I typically have round eyes and a charming smile on my face. I come in various coat colors like red, tricolor, and sable. Despite our quirky appearance, we have a clever and friendly personality. We're intelligent and active, enjoy interacting with people, and make great family companions.

Even though I'm not tall in stature, my energy and happiness are boundless! If you're looking for a lively, cute companion, I might just be the perfect choice. Let's create wonderful memories together!






Definition (定義):


  • English: "Dwarf" is a noun that refers to a person or creature who is much smaller in stature compared to the average size for their species or group. It can also be used as a verb to describe the act of making something seem smaller or less significant.
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "矮人",是一個名詞,指的是一個人或生物,其體型遠小於其種族或群體的平均大小。它也可以用作動詞,用來描述使某事物顯得更小或不太重要。

Word Root (字根):

  • English: The word "dwarf" is derived from the Old English word "dweorg" and is related to words in various Germanic languages referring to small or diminutive beings.
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "矮人" 這個詞源自古英語詞 "dweorg",與各種日耳曼語中指小或縮小的生物有關。

Related Words (相關詞語):

  • English: Small, miniature, diminutive, tiny, undersized
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 小,微型,小巧,微小,過小

Collocations (搭配詞語):

  • English: Dwarf planet, dwarf star, dwarfism, garden gnome
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 矮行星,矮星,侏儒症,花園小矮人

Example Sentences (例句):

  1. English: Snow White encountered seven friendly dwarfs who helped her in the forest. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 白雪公主遇到了七個友善的小矮人,他們在森林中幫助了她。
  2. English: Pluto, once considered the ninth planet, was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 冥王星,曾被認為是第九顆行星,於2006年被國際天文學聯合會重新分類為矮行星。
  3. English: The artist used perspective techniques to dwarf the towering skyscrapers and create a sense of vastness in the painting. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 藝術家使用透視技巧,使高聳的摩天大樓顯得微不足道,並在畫作中營造出廣闊感


Definition (定義):

  • English: "Elongated" is an adjective that describes something that has been stretched or lengthened, making it longer in shape than its typical or original form.
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "拉長的",是一個形容詞,用來描述已被拉伸或延長的事物,使其形狀比典型或原始形狀更長。

Word Root (字根):

  • English: The word "elongated" is derived from the Latin word "elongatus," which means "lengthened."
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "拉長的" 這個詞源自拉丁語詞 "elongatus",意為 "延長"。

Related Words (相關詞語):

  • English: Stretched, lengthened, extended, elongation, stretched out
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 拉伸,延長,延伸,拉長,拉伸

Collocations (搭配詞語):

  • English: Elongated shape, elongated rectangle, elongated object, elongated form
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 拉長的形狀,拉長的矩形,拉長的物體,拉長的形態

Example Sentences (例句):

  1. English: The artist used an elongated canvas to create a unique and abstract painting. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 藝術家使用一個拉長的畫布創作出獨特的抽象畫作。
  2. English: The elongated shadows of the trees stretched across the road as the sun began to set. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 當太陽開始下山時,樹木的拉長的影子在路上伸展開來。


Definition (定義):

  • English: "Quirky" is an adjective used to describe something or someone that is characterized by unusual, peculiar, or eccentric qualities. It often implies a sense of uniqueness and unpredictability.
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "古怪的",是一個形容詞,用來描述某事或某人具有不尋常、奇特或古怪的特質。它通常意味著獨特性和不可預測性。

Related Words (相關詞語):

  • English: Eccentric, offbeat, unconventional, idiosyncratic, peculiar
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 古怪,離奇,非傳統的,特異,奇怪

Example Sentences (例句):

  1. English: Her quirky sense of fashion always makes her stand out in a crowd. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 她古怪的時尚感總是使她在人群中脫穎而出。
  2. English: The quirky little cafe on the corner has a menu filled with unique and unexpected dishes. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 街角上那家古怪的小咖啡館的菜單上滿是獨特而出人意料的菜餚。
  3. English: He has a quirky sense of humor that always keeps his friends entertained with his witty remarks. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 他有一種古怪的幽默感,總是用他機智的言辭使他的朋友們開心。


Definition (定義):

  • English: "Personality" refers to the unique combination of characteristics, traits, behaviors, and patterns of thinking that define an individual's distinctive character and way of being. It encompasses an individual's emotions, attitudes, values, and social interactions.
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "個性",指的是特定個體獨特的特點、特性、行為和思維模式的結合,它們共同塑造了一個人的獨特性格和方式。個性包括一個人的情感、態度、價值觀和社交互動。

Related Words (相關詞語):

  • English: Character, temperament, disposition, traits, identity
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 性格,氣質,性情,特點,身份

Collocations (搭配詞語):

  • English: Strong personality, outgoing personality, introverted personality, charismatic personality
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 強烈的個性,外向的個性,內向的個性,有魅力的個性

Example Sentences (例句):

  1. English: Her warm and friendly personality makes her easy to get along with. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 她溫暖友善的個性使她易於相處。
  2. English: Personality development is a lifelong process influenced by experiences, upbringing, and self-discovery. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 個性發展是一個終身的過程,受到經驗、教養和自我發現的影響。
  3. English: He has a charismatic personality that draws people to him wherever he goes. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 他有一種有魅力的個性,無論他走到哪裡,都能吸引人們。


Definition (定義):

  • English: "Stature" is a noun that refers to a person's height or physical size, especially when considered in relation to their social or professional standing. It can also be used more broadly to describe one's reputation, prestige, or influence.
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): "身高",是一個名詞,指的是一個人的身高或體格尺寸,尤其是在與其社會或職業地位相關時。它也可以更廣泛地用來描述一個人的聲譽、威望或影響力。

Related Words (相關詞語):

  • English: Height, physical stature, standing, reputation, prestige
  • Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 身高,體格,地位,聲譽,威望

Example Sentences (例句):

  1. English: His impressive stature and commanding presence made him a natural leader. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 他令人印象深刻的身高和威風凜凜的氣質使他成為一位天生的領袖。
  2. English: The company's CEO is a person of great stature in the business world, known for their innovative ideas and leadership. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 公司的首席執行官在商界享有極高的地位,以其創新思想和領導能力而著稱。
  3. English: Despite his short stature, he had a larger-than-life personality that charmed everyone he met. Traditional Chinese (繁體中文): 儘管身材矮小,但他擁有一個讓每個遇到的人都著迷的大膽個性。
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貓種: 原產於美國1983年,突變產生 毛被: 全色系,有短毛和長毛種。長毛型看起來會優雅許多,但腿還是很短 特徵: 半短身型,像臘腸狗般身長腿短,長的滑稽幽默,惹人喜愛 個性: 個性活潑好動,步伐不大跑起來卻很迅速。甚至經常會站起來,十分可愛 耐寒度: 強 運動量: 高
身為西高地愛好者,怎麼能不講講他們可愛到不行的特點呢~ 今天就來帶大家看看西高地白梗到底可愛在哪裡!
馬爾濟斯是一種非常受歡迎的小型犬種,牠們擁有一身純白的絲質長毛,溫和可愛的性格,以及聰明靈敏的智商。馬爾濟斯原產於地中海的馬爾他島,是一種歷史悠久的陪伴犬,曾經受到古羅馬、古希臘、古中國等文明的喜愛,現在也是許多家庭的寵愛之選。 如果您也想養一隻馬爾濟斯,那麼您一定要了解牠們的特點、優缺點、價格
柯基犬(Corgi)是一種源自英國威爾斯的牧羊犬,有兩個品種:卡地犬(Cardigan Welsh Corgi)和彭布羅克犬(Pembroke Welsh Corgi)。柯基犬的特徵是身體長、腿短、耳朵大、尾巴短,外表非常可愛,性格也很溫和、友善、活潑。柯基犬曾經是英國女王伊麗莎白二世的最愛,也是許
貓種: 原產於美國1983年,突變產生 毛被: 全色系,有短毛和長毛種。長毛型看起來會優雅許多,但腿還是很短 特徵: 半短身型,像臘腸狗般身長腿短,長的滑稽幽默,惹人喜愛 個性: 個性活潑好動,步伐不大跑起來卻很迅速。甚至經常會站起來,十分可愛 耐寒度: 強 運動量: 高
身為西高地愛好者,怎麼能不講講他們可愛到不行的特點呢~ 今天就來帶大家看看西高地白梗到底可愛在哪裡!
馬爾濟斯是一種非常受歡迎的小型犬種,牠們擁有一身純白的絲質長毛,溫和可愛的性格,以及聰明靈敏的智商。馬爾濟斯原產於地中海的馬爾他島,是一種歷史悠久的陪伴犬,曾經受到古羅馬、古希臘、古中國等文明的喜愛,現在也是許多家庭的寵愛之選。 如果您也想養一隻馬爾濟斯,那麼您一定要了解牠們的特點、優缺點、價格
柯基犬(Corgi)是一種源自英國威爾斯的牧羊犬,有兩個品種:卡地犬(Cardigan Welsh Corgi)和彭布羅克犬(Pembroke Welsh Corgi)。柯基犬的特徵是身體長、腿短、耳朵大、尾巴短,外表非常可愛,性格也很溫和、友善、活潑。柯基犬曾經是英國女王伊麗莎白二世的最愛,也是許