2023-09-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 20 分鐘

堅強獨立的柴犬Kiko, Kiko the Strong-Willed Shiba Inu


    Once upon a time in a quaint village, there lived a determined and independent Shiba Inu named Kiko. Kiko was not your typical dog; he had a strong-willed personality and loved to do things his way.

    One sunny morning, Kiko decided to embark on an adventure. He left his cozy little home and roamed the village streets with his tail held high. His curiosity led him to a nearby forest. There, he encountered various animals, each with its unique way of life.

    Kiko watched a squirrel gather acorns and admired its diligence. Later, he met a slow-moving, old tortoise. The tortoise taught him to be patient and strong, just like how it keeps going even if it's slow. Then, Kiko saw young rabbits playing games and decided to join in the fun. This experience taught him that it's okay to have fun while working hard.

    Continuing his adventure, Kiko found a graceful deer eating peacefully. This encounter showed him that being calm and enjoying nature's beauty is truly wonderful. Next, he listened to a singing bird, and its melodious song made him feel happy and peaceful. This served as a reminder of the joy found in the simplest of things.

    Finally, Kiko spotted a careful fox always on the lookout for danger. This encounter taught him the importance of being alert and aware, even when relaxing.

    When nightfall came, Kiko returned home, tired but wiser. His owner, impressed by his day of exploration, realized that Kiko's independent spirit was something to be celebrated. From that day forward, they allowed Kiko more freedom to be himself while cherishing the lessons he had learned.

    Kiko's story taught everyone that even the most headstrong individuals have a lot to offer, and sometimes, the path less traveled leads to the most valuable experiences.









    1. Determined (堅定):
      • Definition: Having a firm purpose or resolve; showing a strong commitment to achieving a goal.
      • Traditional Chinese: 堅定,意志堅定的
      • Word Root: "Determine" comes from the Latin word "determinare," which means "to set bounds or limits."
      • Related Words: Resolute, resoluteness, unwavering, steadfast
      • Collocations: Determined effort, determined attitude
      • Example Sentence: She was determined to finish the marathon, no matter how challenging it became. (她堅決要完成馬拉松,無論多麼具有挑戰性。)
    2. Independent (獨立):
      • Definition: Not relying on others; self-sufficient; capable of making decisions and taking action on one's own.
      • Traditional Chinese: 獨立,獨立的
      • Word Root: "Independent" comes from the Latin word "independens," which means "not dependent."
      • Related Words: Self-reliant, self-sufficiency, autonomous
      • Collocations: Independent thinker, independent business
      • Example Sentence: She has always been an independent person, making her own choices and living life on her terms. (她一直是一個獨立的人,做出自己的選擇,按照自己的方式生活。)
    3. Typical (典型的):
      • Definition: Representing the usual characteristics or features of a particular group, category, or thing.
      • Traditional Chinese: 典型,典型的
      • Word Root: "Typical" comes from the Greek word "typikos," which means "of or pertaining to a type."
      • Related Words: Characteristic, representative, standard
      • Collocations: Typical example, typical behavior
      • Example Sentence: His actions were typical of someone who was new to the city, full of curiosity and excitement. (他的行為典型於一個對這個城市不熟悉的人,充滿了好奇和興奮。)
    4. Strong-willed personality (堅強的性格):
      • Definition: Having a determined and resolute nature, often unwilling to change one's mind or be easily influenced.
      • Traditional Chinese: 堅強的性格
      • Word Root: "Strong-willed" combines "strong" and "willed," emphasizing both strength and determination.
      • Related Words: Determined, resolute, unwavering
      • Collocations: Strong-willed individual, strong-willed leader
      • Example Sentence: Her strong-willed personality allowed her to overcome numerous obstacles in her career. (她的堅強性格使她克服了事業中的眾多障礙。)
    5. Embark (踏上):
      • Definition: To begin or start a journey, project, or new course of action.
      • Traditional Chinese: 踏上,開始
      • Word Root: "Embark" comes from the French word "embarquer," which means "to put on board a ship."
      • Related Words: Start, commence, launch
      • Collocations: Embark on a journey, embark on a career
      • Example Sentence: They decided to embark on a cross-country road trip to explore new places. (他們決定踏上橫越國家的公路之旅,探索新的地方。)
    6. Roam (漫遊):
      • Definition: To move about without a specific destination; to wander or travel freely.
      • Traditional Chinese: 漫遊,自由遊蕩
      • Word Root: The word "roam" has Germanic origins.
      • Related Words: Wander, meander, explore
      • Collocations: Roam the countryside, roam the city streets
      • Example Sentence: They loved to roam the countryside on weekends, discovering hidden gems along the way. (他們喜歡在周末漫遊鄉間,一路上發現隱藏的寶石。)
    7. Encounter (遇到):
      • Definition: To come across or meet someone or something unexpectedly or by chance.
      • Traditional Chinese: 遇到,遇見
      • Word Root: "Encounter" comes from the Latin word "incontrare," which means "to meet."
      • Related Words: Meet, face, experience
      • Collocations: Encounter a friend, encounter a problem
      • Example Sentence: During their travels, they encountered a friendly local who offered them valuable advice. (在他們的旅行中,他們遇到了一位友好的當地人,提供了寶貴的建議。)
    8. Diligence (勤奮):
      • Definition: Consistent and hardworking effort and dedication to a task or goal.
      • Traditional Chinese: 勤奮,努力
      • Word Root: "Diligence" comes from the Latin word "diligentia," which means "careful attention" or "diligence."
      • Related Words: Hard work, dedication, perseverance
      • Collocations: Diligence in studies, diligence in one's career
      • Example Sentence: His diligence in studying paid off when he achieved the top score in the exam. (他在學習上的勤奮在考試中得到了回報,他取得了最高分。)
    9. Perch (棲息):
      • Definition: To rest or settle in a place, especially on a high or narrow surface.
      • Traditional Chinese: 棲息,停留
      • Word Root: The word "perch" has Old French origins.
      • Related Words: Rest, settle, nest
      • Collocations: Birds perch on branches, perch on a ledge
      • Example Sentence: The colorful bird would often perch on the tree branch outside the window. (這隻色彩繽紛的鳥經常會停在窗外的樹枝上。)
    10. Patience (耐心):
      • Definition: The ability to remain calm and tolerant in the face of delays, challenges, or difficult situations.
      • Traditional Chinese: 耐心,忍耐力
      • Word Root: "Patience" comes from the Latin word "patientia," which means "suffering" or "endurance."
      • Related Words: Endurance, tolerance, composure
      • Collocations: Patience in waiting, patience with others
      • Example Sentence: Patience is a valuable quality that helps individuals navigate through life's obstacles with grace. (耐心是一種寶貴的品質,可以幫助個人優雅地應對生活中的障礙。)
    11. Impressed (印象深刻):
      • Definition: Having left a favorable or strong impact on someone's mind; making a positive impression.
      • Traditional Chinese: 印象深刻,留下深刻印象的
      • Word Root: "Impressed" is derived from the verb "impress."
      • Related Words: Memorable, noteworthy, remarkable
      • Collocations: Impressed by a performance, impressed with someone's skills
      • Example Sentence: The artist's work left everyone impressed with its creativity and beauty. (藝術家的作品以其創意和美麗讓每個人留下深刻印象。)
    12. Headstrong (固執):
      • Definition: Having a strong and stubborn determination to follow one's own ideas or desires, often disregarding advice or warnings.
      • Traditional Chinese: 固執,固執己見的
      • Word Root: "Headstrong" combines "head" (referring to the mind) and "strong," emphasizing a strong-willed nature.
      • Related Words: Stubborn, obstinate, inflexible
      • Collocations: Headstrong behavior, headstrong decision
      • Example Sentence: His headstrong attitude sometimes led to conflicts because he was unwilling to compromise. (他固執的態度有時會導致衝突,因為他不願妥協。)

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