This article is provided by TJ2 Lighting, led lighting manufacturer, lighting manufacturer in Taiwan | 東捷生活科技
color temperature-TJ2 Lighting LED Lighting Manufacturer in taiwan
The color temperature is defined as the ‘temperature of the black body when same color light as that light is radiated by the perfectly black body’ and its unit is K (Kelvin). It shows the relative strength of violet light and red light of a color-emitted light source.
For example, a metal filament inside a light bulb, when this black filament is heated, it glows and as the temperature goes high, it turns red, to orange, yellow, white and blue at high temperatures.
Color Temperature scale chart-TJ2 Lighting LED Lighting Manufacturer in taiwan
1. Residential Lighting:
Warm LED lights encourage the release of melatonin. Light fixtures with warm color temperature are used for most residential applications, such as the bedroom or living room. The warm light helps people relax and calm down for sleep.
2. Office Lighting:
When people face bright white and cool light fixtures, their body releases serotonin, a neurotransmitter that makes people feel more alert. Light fixtures with cool color temperature are suitable for any place where productivity and high contrast are needed. The single biggest application of cool LEDs is in office buildings, where cooler light can help raise workers' productivity and efficiency.
3. Hotel Lighting:
Light fixtures with warm CCT are also preferred in some commercial applications, such as lobbies, reception areas, restaurants, shops and hotels. Generally speaking, any business that needs to make its customers feel comfortable will need warm fixtures in some areas.
color temperature in daily life-TJ2 Lighting LED Lighting Manufacturer in taiwan
View More Information: Color Temperature-Lighting Terms And Definitions
More lighting information:
Lighting Terms and Definitions
10 Great Uses For LED Lighting In Interior Design
This article is provided by TJ2 Lighting, led lighting manufacturer, lighting manufacturer in Taiwan.
TJ2 Lighting|LED Lighting Manufacturer, lighting manufacturer and led lighting supplier in Taiwan
Enjoy Lights!
| TJ2 Lighting東捷生活科技
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