2023-11-01|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

Inktober2023 Day7-9

Day7. DRIP(/31)
Inktober's seventh word is DRIP 滴落



Inktober Day7:DRIP

Day8. TOAD(8/31)
Inktober's eighth word is TOAD 蟾蜍

compare to draw the interaction between toad and girl(Can you imagine that scene?), today I just choose the leopard way(go check below 2021)to draw it, please imagine this is a white toad which sitting near the sunny afternoon window.


Inktober Day8:TOAD

Day9. BOUNCE(9/31)
Inktober's ninth word is BOUNCE 彈跳

By avoid drawing the image of single ball bouncing, the first image came to my mind was the bouncing boobs. However, no matter how I imagine the female characters, the truly unchanged are the main breasts, so I just simply show the concept art of bouncing, which only the weird mind as me could draw this.


Inktober Day9:BOUNCE

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