2023-11-15|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 28 分鐘

TAIPEI GaySpa review -- Handsome SPA Xiao Wu

Website: https://www.handsomespa.com/


Establishment: Handsome Spa

Therapist: Xiao Wu

Therapist's Role: TOP

Appearance Rating (0-10): 9 - Pleasant and attractive

Physique Rating (0-10): 8 - Comfortable to hold

Acupressure Rating (0-10): 8 - Strong skills in wellness massage

Oil Pressure Rating (0-10): 9 - Favorite stage

Coordination Rating (0-10): 10 - Extremely high coordination

Boyfriend Charm Rating (0-10): 8 - Radiates a romantic aura, might accidentally fall for him


It seems like muscular men are currently in demand. After seeing the photos on the Handsome Spa official website, the combination of exotic charm and strong chest muscles of Xiao Wu made me quickly book an appointment via LINE.


On LINE, I confirmed with the establishment about Xiao Wu's role and service conditions. Even though there might not be explicit adult content, it's still preferable to have complementary roles for the massage to enhance the overall experience.


Xiao Wu is indeed good-looking, fitting the category of a pleasant and attractive guy. His upper body fills out his clothes, leaving quite an impression (I mean my eyes got a bit teary from being moved). After navigating through a small alley, we entered the room, a standard suite with decent decorations that matched the website photos perfectly.


From the start, Xiao Wu's acupressure showcased his impressive upper body. Having worked in a wellness center before, his massage technique differs from regular massages; it's more functional. His oil pressure technique was also impressive, as many massages in this context often just involve applying oil quickly before moving on to functional care. However, Xiao Wu's oil pressure skills were genuinely excellent.


Throughout the massage, he provided reminders about what to pay attention to, similar to massages in regular spas. The interaction and conversation were casual, and Xiao Wu was very polite and courteous. The "Happy Ending" was also worth the experience.


I highly recommend Xiao Wu as a therapist. Whether it's technical skills or service, he offers great value for money, especially with the current discounts provided by the establishment. Truly a fantastic experience—highly recommended!




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