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God: : Love and Hate - Debating the Existence

    God: : Love and Hate - Debating the Existence (BBM EDUCATION Book 16)

    God: : Love and Hate - Debating the Existence (BBM EDUCATION Book 16)

    God: : Love and Hate - Debating the Existence (BBM EDUCATION Book 16) Kindle Edition

    by Po Jih Wang (Author)  Format: Kindle EditionBook 16 of 19: BBM EDUCATION

    Purpose and Scope of the Book

    Welcome to "God: Love and Hate - Debating the Existence." This book is a comprehensive exploration of the age-old question that has captivated humanity for centuries: Does God exist?! Designed for both God lovers and haters, this book delves into philosophical debates, personal belief systems, religious perspectives, scientific evidence, historical and cultural influences, atheistic arguments, faith and religious experiences, ethics and morality, common misconceptions, and the psychological and emotional aspects of belief or disbelief in God.

    The purpose of this subchapter is to provide readers with a clear understanding of the book's objectives and the topics it covers. By doing so, it aims to engage a diverse audience, ranging from those seeking to strengthen their faith to those questioning the existence of God.

    Firstly, we will explore the various philosophical debates surrounding the existence of God. Through an examination of classical arguments such as the cosmological, teleological, and ontological arguments, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the rational foundations of belief in God.

    Next, we will delve into personal belief systems and spirituality. By exploring different religious perspectives on God's existence, readers will develop a broader understanding of how diverse cultures and traditions shape individual beliefs.





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