Bilingual Study for Students 深入聖經 : 學生聖經手冊

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Diving Deep into Scripture: Bilingual Study for Students 深入聖經 : 學生聖經手冊 (Bilingual Bible Ministry (BBM) Book 23)

Diving Deep into Scripture: Bilingual Study for Students 深入聖經 : 學生聖經手冊 (Bilingual Bible Ministry (BBM) Book 23)

Diving Deep into Scripture: Bilingual Study for Students 深入聖經 : 學生聖經手冊 (Bilingual Bible Ministry (BBM) Book 23) Kindle Edition

by Po Jih Wang (Author)  Format: Kindle EditionBook 23 of 24: Bilingual Bible Ministry (BBM)

Understanding the Importance of Scripture 理解聖經的重要性

In the fast-paced and ever-changing world we live in, it is essential for high school students to understand the importance of scripture. In our bilingual Bible study, "Diving Deep into Scripture," we focus on biblical stories and characters to help you navigate through life's challenges and make informed decisions based on timeless wisdom.

Scripture, also known as the Bible, is not just an ordinary book. It is a divine revelation that contains the words of God and offers guidance for every aspect of our lives. Whether you come from a religious background or are new to exploring faith, understanding the importance of scripture is crucial for personal growth, moral development, and a deeper understanding of the world around us.

First and foremost, scripture provides us with a moral compass. It offers timeless principles and values that can guide us in making ethical decisions. By studying biblical stories and characters, we can learn from their triumphs and failures, gaining valuable insights into how to navigate the complexities of life. From the faith of Abraham to the wisdom of King Solomon, scripture presents us with examples of courage, compassion, and integrity that we can emulate.

Moreover, scripture also helps us find meaning and purpose in life. As 9th graders, you might be grappling with questions about your identity, future goals, and the world's purpose. By delving into scripture, you will discover profound truths about your worth and potential. You will learn that you are uniquely created with a purpose and that your life has meaning beyond the superficial pursuits of our modern society.

In addition, our bilingual approach to studying scripture allows you to explore the rich heritage of different cultures. By engaging with biblical stories in multiple languages, you will gain a broader perspective and a deeper appreciation for the diversity of human experiences and beliefs. This will enable you to connect with people from various backgrounds and foster a spirit of inclusivity and understanding.

In conclusion, understanding the importance of scripture is essential for high school 9th graders. Through our bilingual Bible study, "Diving Deep into Scripture," we aim to equip you with the tools and knowledge to navigate life's challenges, make ethical decisions, find meaning and purpose, and appreciate the diversity of human experiences. By immersing yourself in the wisdom of scripture, you will embark on a transformative journey that will shape your character, values, and worldview.







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    Oct. 9, 2023 早上經過一個地方,看到下圖禁止進入的標示,其實我還蠻想要問社區人員「是否覺得禁止進入這件事很重要」,如果覺得很重要,是不是應該也標示英文上去? 禁止進入的英文就是NO ENTRY;真的很簡單。 在只有標中文的情況下,外國人真的可以跟你說我看不懂,而不照規定。這可以分成故意
    2023.05.23 很快的, 又過了一個月. 這些日子, 依然跟往常一樣, 週一至週五上班, 週六日早上出門跑步或者騎單車, 下午則回老家看爸媽, 或者帶全家外出來個輕旅行, 如: 湖口老街, 鶯歌老街...或帶女兒去打打籃球...生活就是這樣一直循環著. 有時覺得這樣的過日子, 好像缺少了什麼?
    裡面有 寂寞, 憤怒, 快樂, 後悔, 愛情, 肉慾, 道德, 不道德, 等等, 等等。
    What we learned from FC Barcelona’s farewell to Messi? Will it be the end of an era? Let’s do a simple case study to find out!
    幸運的在中國大陸放五一假期參加了香港的study trip, 從行前就對即將到來的行程抱持著期待,一路下來參訪了許多偉大的機構(如彭博、貝恩顧問公司等等)。過程中與講者的互動,與同行新朋友的討論激盪出許多火花,令我驚訝的是不論是在地鐵上,馬路旁還是旅館裡,幾乎醒著的時間大家都在討論職涯發展和交流想法
    如果你想看到爽爽又光鮮亮麗的留學生活,那你可能走錯版了!!! 這篇文章不會給你實質的建議或幫助,更不會是流水帳似的日記,有的只是一些想法與概念。非常歡迎大家進行想法上的交流。
    本專欄將提供給您最新的市場資訊、產業研究、交易心法、精選公司介紹,以上內容並非個股分析,還請各位依據自身狀況作出交易決策。歡迎訂閱支持我,獲得相關內容,也祝您的投資之路順遂! 每年 $990 訂閱方案👉 每月 $99 訂閱方案👉https://re
    Oct. 9, 2023 早上經過一個地方,看到下圖禁止進入的標示,其實我還蠻想要問社區人員「是否覺得禁止進入這件事很重要」,如果覺得很重要,是不是應該也標示英文上去? 禁止進入的英文就是NO ENTRY;真的很簡單。 在只有標中文的情況下,外國人真的可以跟你說我看不懂,而不照規定。這可以分成故意
    2023.05.23 很快的, 又過了一個月. 這些日子, 依然跟往常一樣, 週一至週五上班, 週六日早上出門跑步或者騎單車, 下午則回老家看爸媽, 或者帶全家外出來個輕旅行, 如: 湖口老街, 鶯歌老街...或帶女兒去打打籃球...生活就是這樣一直循環著. 有時覺得這樣的過日子, 好像缺少了什麼?
    裡面有 寂寞, 憤怒, 快樂, 後悔, 愛情, 肉慾, 道德, 不道德, 等等, 等等。
    What we learned from FC Barcelona’s farewell to Messi? Will it be the end of an era? Let’s do a simple case study to find out!
    幸運的在中國大陸放五一假期參加了香港的study trip, 從行前就對即將到來的行程抱持著期待,一路下來參訪了許多偉大的機構(如彭博、貝恩顧問公司等等)。過程中與講者的互動,與同行新朋友的討論激盪出許多火花,令我驚訝的是不論是在地鐵上,馬路旁還是旅館裡,幾乎醒著的時間大家都在討論職涯發展和交流想法
    如果你想看到爽爽又光鮮亮麗的留學生活,那你可能走錯版了!!! 這篇文章不會給你實質的建議或幫助,更不會是流水帳似的日記,有的只是一些想法與概念。非常歡迎大家進行想法上的交流。