Why Do LED Lights Glow When Turned Off And How To Stop It?


This article is provided by TJ2 Lighting, led lighting manufacturerlighting manufacturer in Taiwan | 東捷生活科技

Why do LED lights glow after turning off the lights?

In recent years, LED has replaced traditional light bulbs and energy-saving bulbs as the most popular light source in the new lighting era and is widely used in residential spaces, commercial spaces and outdoor spaces. However, many people encounter the same problem. After replacing LED lights or light bulbs, they find that when we turn off the power, the LED lights seem to be unable to be completely turned off and still glow and light up slightly. Is it a quality issue with the lighting fixtures, or is there an error in the wiring of the switches at home!?

Usually, it is mostly related to the power switch on the wall. Currently, most fields are placed with an illuminated light switch, as displayed in the figure below. Due to the reason above, there will be a slight current flowing back into the circuit loop. Therefore, smaller wattage LED lamps or fixtures are generally susceptible to being affected, causing the lamps to produce slight brightness or flicker.



There are two ways to solve it:

1. Replace the illuminated light switch with a traditional switch.

2. Connect capacitors in parallel to the circuit, and it is recommended to purchase capacitors with a voltage of twice the voltage (for example: voltage of 110V, it is recommended to use capacitors above 250V).


The above methods still cannot solve the problem?

It might happen if the electrician connects the neutral wire to the switch. In this case, the switch can only control the continuity of the neutral wire, but cannot control the live wire. Even when the power is turned off, the live wire is still continuously connected, so some current would still stay in the lamp, which will cause the phenomenon of slight brightness after turning off the switch.

So please pay attention to the connection of the neutral and live wires. The live wire should be correctly connected to the switch, allowing the switch itself to control the current connection of the live wire, so as not to cause the lamp to remain slightly glow after turning off the power!

This article is provided by TJ2 Lighting, led lighting manufacturerlighting manufacturer in Taiwan | 東捷生活科技

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Choose 4000k for the bright setting and 3000k for the warm setting in bedroom lighting. CCT, layered lighting, decor styles should be considered.
Choose kelvins in the 4000k-5000k range for the brightest setting and 3000k-4000k for the warm setting in kitchen lighting.
Triac dimmers, 0-10V dimming, and PWM dimming are the most popular techniques in adjusting illuminating levels for different lighting applications.
Holiday Notification-Chinese New Year 2024, TJ2 Lighting will be closed from Feb. 8 (Thu.) to Feb. 14(Wed.), 2024 and resume work on Feb. 15(Thu.).
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Top 10 led lighting manufacturers include GE, Philips, Osram, Cree Lighting, Nichia, Acuity Brands, Eaton Lighting, Samsung, LG Electronics, Zumtobel.
Choose 4000k for the bright setting and 3000k for the warm setting in bedroom lighting. CCT, layered lighting, decor styles should be considered.
Choose kelvins in the 4000k-5000k range for the brightest setting and 3000k-4000k for the warm setting in kitchen lighting.
Triac dimmers, 0-10V dimming, and PWM dimming are the most popular techniques in adjusting illuminating levels for different lighting applications.
Holiday Notification-Chinese New Year 2024, TJ2 Lighting will be closed from Feb. 8 (Thu.) to Feb. 14(Wed.), 2024 and resume work on Feb. 15(Thu.).
why should we focus on the lighting design for luxury porcelain? 8 Tips for Luxury Porcelain Lighting Design, light fixtures and 5 famous brands.
Top 10 led lighting manufacturers include GE, Philips, Osram, Cree Lighting, Nichia, Acuity Brands, Eaton Lighting, Samsung, LG Electronics, Zumtobel.
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最近家裡有一顆LED燈泡故障,因為造型比較特殊,網路查了一下,沒看到這款燈泡,好像已經停產沒出了,傷腦筋,這下少顆燈挺麻煩的。 想想現在的LED燈泡,基本上都是整個封死的,就是不讓你拆,即便壞個幾顆燈珠,或是電路版掛掉,就是得買顆新的,無法維修。沒想到我手上這一顆,手轉一下,竟然就可以旋開...
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主要LED應用領域"照明跟顯示器背光"這兩項已經飽和 中國的產能又是低價競爭 只有Mini LED跟LCD背光模組可以提高需求 目前就是看AI PC的產品能不能從Q2開始有帶動需求復甦 2022/10~2024/3月避開LED產業操作是對的,因為這一波主要都不是跟這些產品有相關 再
整理LED產業的發展及供應鏈結構圖,包括上游藍寶石晶圓供應商、中游的製程設備廠商,以及下游的LED封裝、模組及燈具製造商。此外,還涵蓋了OLED、顯示器FPD設備、Mini LED和Micro LED等新興技術,並提供Mini LED供應鏈整理資料。