每日英語 #044: Hiring a Job Hunter

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Hiring a Job Hunter

Until recently, companies often paid a headhunter to find high-level employees. “Headhunters” are recruiters who find workers with the right skills for a particular job. These headhunters may also help “negotiate” (try to reach an agreement on) a “compensation package” — including salary, benefits, vacation time, “stock options” (a chance to buy stock in the company one works for), and more — so that a company can get this person to fill its job opening.


In recent years, “the tables have turned” (changed completely). Because of the high “unemployment rate” (percentage of people without jobs), people who are looking for jobs are paying job hunters to find them a position. According to a 2011 Time magazine article, in the U.S., 42% of “unemployed” (without a job) workers have been without a job for at least 27 weeks.


Several new job-hunting websites allow “job-seekers” (people looking for jobs) to sign up and offer a cash “bounty” (reward) for a “referral” (sending someone to a person or a place to get what he or she wants or needs) that results in getting a job. The amount of the bounty can “range from” (be between) a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars.


Another new kind of website tries to connect people who know about a job opening with people who are looking for jobs. If a job-seeker finds a job through the website, the person with the “job lead” (information or clue about a job) collects a fee and so does the website service.



  • Headhunter /ˈhɛdˌhʌntər/ 獵頭
  • Negotiate /nɪˈɡoʊʃiˌeɪt/ 協商
  • Compensation package /ˌkɑːmpənˈseɪʃən ˈpækɪdʒ/ 薪酬包
  • Stock options /stɑk ˈɑːpʃənz/ 股票期權
  • Unemployment rate /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt reɪt/ 失業率
  • Unemployed /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪd/ 失業的
  • Job-seeker /ˈdʒɑːb ˌsiːkər/ 求職者
  • Bounty /ˈbaʊnti/ 獎金
  • Referral /rɪˈfɜrəl/ 推薦
  • Range from /reɪndʒ frʌm/ 範圍從
  • Job lead /dʒɑːb liːd/ 工作線索
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