更新於 2024/06/28閱讀時間約 1 分鐘

🌞 LITHIA Blessing Ritual-儀式紀錄影片

🌞 LITHIA Blessing Ritual



In the sacred tradition of LITHIA, we embark on a journey of spiritual reverence and magical creation. Our ritual begins with the making of a spell bottle, a vessel of intention and sacred energy. We pour our hopes and dreams into this enchanted container, infusing each herb with our collective aspirations and positive energy.

🌸 頌讚和祝福父神


We raise our voices in harmonious praise, honoring the Goddess whose blessings fill our hearts with gratitude and reverence.

🌿 為藥草注入祝福


We whisper our blessings into the herbs, knowing they will carry our wishes into the universe, magnifying our desires through their potent energies.

🍃 在月桂葉上寫下願望


We inscribe our deepest wishes onto bay leaves, symbols of victory and protection, holding our personal aspirations and collective hopes.

🔥 火盆儀式的顯化


We cast the bay leaves into the flames, releasing our wishes into the cosmos and igniting the process of manifestation.

☀️ 衷心感謝太陽神


We extend our deepest gratitude to the revered and divine Sun God, whose light and guidance have led us through our trials.

💖 祝福所有觀看的人


To all who have participated and watched this ritual, we bestow our heartfelt blessings. May the energy of this ceremony bring you peace, fulfillment, and the manifestation of your deepest desires.


May the blessings of the Goddess and the Sun God be with you, now and always.


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