2024-07-13|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 28 分鐘

每日英語 #057: The Effects of Sunshine

The Effects of Sunshine

A 2009 article in the magazine Psychology Today talked about all the different ways that research has “indicated” (shown) sunshine affects us. Here are some of them:


  • We tend to feel more “generous” (giving to others) and want to help people on sunny days. People leave bigger “tips” (extra money to someone who is giving you service, such as a waiter in a restaurant) on days when the sun is shining.
  • “Admission committees” (people at colleges and universities who make decisions about which students will get to study there) are more likely to select students who seem to have good “social skills” (are friendly, outgoing, sociable) on days when it is sunny. But on “cloudy days” (days with little sun), students who have a better “academic record” (performance in school, such as grades and test scores) are more likely to be “admitted” (accepted into the university). Note that in American universities, your academic record is not the only thing that determines whether or not you will be admitted. Admission committees look at many different factors, including your “extracurricular” (outside of school) activities, such as “volunteering” (working for a good cause without pay) and sports.
  • The “stock market” (a place where you can buy and sell partial ownership in companies) tends to go up when it’s sunny in the city where the stock market is located.
  • People buy fewer “lottery tickets” (tickets that the government sells that give you a chance to win a lot of money; a type of official gambling) on sunny days. Some people feel better when they buy a lottery ticket, thinking that they are going to win, but on sunny days, people don’t need this extra “lift” (increase in good feeling).
  • On sunny days, we are less likely to try to lift our “mood” (our feelings) by using alcohol, coffee, tobacco, and chocolate.


  • 1. Indicated [ˈɪndɪˌkeɪtɪd] 顯示
  • 2. Generous [ˈdʒɛnərəs] 慷慨的
  • 3. Tips [tɪps] 小費
  • 4. Admission committees [ədˈmɪʃən kəˈmɪtiz] 招生委員會
  • 5. Social skills [ˈsoʊʃəl skɪlz] 社交技能
  • 6. Cloudy days [ˈklaʊdi deɪz] 陰天
  • 7. Academic record [ˌækəˈdɛmɪk ˈrɛkərd] 學業成績
  • 8. Admitted [ədˈmɪtɪd] 錄取
  • 9. Extracurricular [ˌɛkstrəkəˈrɪkjələr] 課外的
  • 10. Volunteering [ˌvɑlənˈtɪrɪŋ] 志願服務
  • 11. Stock market [ˈstɑk ˈmɑrkɪt] 股市
  • 12. Lottery tickets [ˈlɑtəri ˈtɪkɪts] 彩票
  • 13. Lift [lɪft] 提升
  • 14. Mood [mud] 情緒
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