
每日英語 #072: Unusual Hotel Promotions

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Unusual Hotel Promotions

During an “economic downturn” (poor economic times), people tend to travel less. This is especially a problem when there is a “perfect storm” (unique combination of conditions that causes something to happen) of three conditions: a bad economy, an increased in the number of hotels opening, and a “dramatic cut” (very large reduction) in the amount of money companies are willing to spend on travel.



That’s what happened during the late 2000’s. Some hotels “did not take this lying down” (did not allow without action or without fighting back). Hotels have always offered special “promotions” (offers) during the slow seasons, but some hotels got even more creative during these difficult financial times.


In 2009, for example, one hotel came up with an interesting offer. Have you always wanted a “tattoo” (drawing or words put on your body with permanent ink)? If you stayed at one hotel near the beach in Los Angeles, you would have received a $100 “voucher” (credit; coupon) toward getting one. You would have even received a bottle of “tequila” (type of liquor) to “numb” (help you not feel as much of) the pain.


If you prefer a “fancier” (nicer) hotel, this promotion might have been for you. If you had stayed at one of the most expensive hotels in Beverly Hills, California, you would have received the use of a Mercedes, Porsche, or BMW to drive while you were there. If you prefer another type of vehicle, a hotel in San Diego, California, with a rock-and-roll “theme” (idea around which everything is based) would have given you the use of a Harley Davidson motorcycle, a very well known and respected brand of motorcycles in the U.S.


These are just a few of the special promotions hotels have offered in the past. More “typically” (commonly; likely), hotels offered a free night’s stay if you pay for two, three, or four nights.



  • Economic downturn 經濟衰退 /ˌiːkəˈnɑːmɪk ˈdaʊntɜrn/
  • Perfect storm 完美風暴 /ˈpɜrfɪkt stɔrm/
  • Dramatic cut 大幅削減 /drəˈmætɪk kʌt/
  • Did not take this lying down 沒有坐以待斃 /dɪd nɑt teɪk ðɪs ˈlaɪɪŋ daʊn/
  • Promotions 促銷 /prəˈmoʊʃənz/
  • Tattoo 紋身 /tæˈtu/
  • Voucher 代金券 /ˈvaʊtʃər/
  • Tequila 龍舌蘭酒 /təˈkiːlə/
  • Numb 麻醉 /nʌm/
  • Fancier 更豪華的 /ˈfænsɪər/
  • Theme 主題 /θiːm/
  • Typically 通常 /ˈtɪpɪkli/
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