更新於 2024/08/28閱讀時間約 4 分鐘




Telegram創辦人在上週六(24日)晚上抵達法國時被逮捕,報導指出杜羅夫被指控未能採取措施遏制 Telegram 的犯罪使用,法國檢方延長拘留時間,將拘留杜洛夫到28號晚間,引發社會譁然。

Pavel Durov, the founder of the Telegram messaging app, was arrested on landing in Paris under a warrant for offences related to the app on Saturday evening.

週六晚上,Telegram 通訊軟體的創始人 Pavel Durov 在抵達巴黎時因與該應用程式相關的犯罪行為而遭到逮捕。

The investigation is reportedly about insufficient moderation, with Mr Durov accused of failing to take steps to curb criminal uses of Telegram. The app is accused of failure to co-operate with law enforcement over drug trafficking, child sexual content and fraud.

根據報道,調查涉及管制不當,杜羅夫被指控未能採取措施遏制 Telegram 的犯罪使用。該應用程式被指控未能在販毒、兒童性內容和欺詐方面與執法部門合作。

With around 950 million users, Telegram is one of the world’s most popular messaging apps. Its strong end-to-end encryption, limited content moderation and functionality.

Telegram 擁有約 9.5 億用戶,是世界上最受歡迎的訊息應用程式之一。其強大的端對端加密、有限的內容審核和功能。

Telegram is particularly popular in countries where freedom of speech is curtailed and in war zones, including in Russia, Ukraine and former Soviet Union states.

Telegram 在言論自由受到限制的國家和戰區特別受歡迎,包括俄羅斯、烏克蘭和前蘇聯國家。

Pavel Durov, 39, was born in Russia and now lives in Dubai, where Telegram is based. He holds citizenship of the United Arab Emirates and France.

39 歲的 Pavel Durov 出生於俄羅斯,現居住在 Telegram 總部所在的杜拜。他擁有阿拉伯聯合大公國和法國公民身份。

Russia still regards Mr Durov as a Russian citizen. Its foreign ministry said it was seeking to "clarify the reasons for the detention and to provide for the protection of Mr Durov’s rights and facilitate consular access".


Several dailies expressed concern that Pavel Durov’s arrest could have serious consequences for Russia and Western intelligence services could obtain the messenger’s encryption keys.


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