每日英語 #131: A House and a Home

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A House and a Home

The terms “house” and “home” are often used to mean the same thing: the place where you live. In many situations, these two words can be used “interchangeably” (one for the other).


However, these two terms can also have slightly different meanings. You would only use “house” to refer to a “stand-alone” (not attached to something else) building where you live. An “apartment” (a room or set of rooms in a building you rent), “condominium”/”condo” (like an apartment, but you can own your own unit), “townhouse” (like a house, but shares a wall with the house next to it, usually with a smaller yard than a house or no yard) are not usually called “houses.” On the other hand, you can use “home” to refer to any space where you live and sleep, including a house, apartment, condo, townhouse, and more. A good way to think about it is that “home” is the more general term and “house” is one type of “home.”


Keep in mind, however, that when people hear the word “home,” they often think of something else, something more than just a building or a room. We often “associate” (connect) “home” with a feeling of belonging and with a place where we feel comfortable. That’s why there are expressions like these: “Home is where the heart is,” meaning anywhere can be a home as long as the people you love and care about are there; “home sweet home,” which is something people say when they return to their home and are very glad to be there; and “a place to call home,” which is a place where a person feels he or she belongs. There is even an old song called “A House is Not a Home,” meaning that a building or room cannot make you feel like you belong there, or that your house is not necessarily where you can find the people you love.

然而,當人們聽到「home」這個詞時,往往會想到更多東西,不僅僅是建築物或房間。我們常常將「home」與歸屬感和舒適的地方聯繫在一起。這也是為什麼會有這樣的表達:「Home is where the heart is」(家是心所在的地方),意思是只要有你愛的人,任何地方都可以是家;「home sweet home」(甜蜜的家),是人們回到家時非常高興說的一句話;以及「a place to call home」(可以稱為家的地方),意指一個讓人感到歸屬的地方。甚至還有一首老歌叫做「A House is Not a Home」,意思是建築物或房間不一定能讓你感到歸屬感,或你的房子不一定是你能找到所愛之人的地方。


  • 1. Interchangeably - 可互換地 / [ˌɪntərˈtʃeɪndʒəbli]
  • 2. Stand-alone - 獨立的 / [ˈstænd əˌloʊn]
  • 3. Apartment - 公寓 / [əˈpɑːrtmənt]
  • 4. Condominium/Condo - 公寓 / [ˌkɑːndəˈmɪniəm] / [ˈkɑːndoʊ]
  • 5. Townhouse - 連棟房屋 / [ˈtaʊnˌhaʊs]
  • 6. Associate - 聯繫 / [əˈsoʊsieɪt]
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