每日英語 #125: The U.S. Census

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The U.S. Census

According to the U.S. Constitution, the “federal” (national) government must “take a census” (count the number of people) living in the United States every 10 years. The first census was in 1790, so every year ending in zero is a census year. One of the main reasons for the census is to determine how “to allot” (to divide among different people or groups of people) the 435 members that “form” (are part of) the United States House of Representatives, the officials who represent the people of the United States and make laws. States that have more people get more representatives, and states that have a smaller population are given fewer representatives, but the number of representatives is always 435.


In order to “take into account” (consider; make part of a decision) births, deaths, and “migration” (moving from one part of the country to another), the government counts every 10 years and then makes any necessary changes. During the 1980s and 1990s, for example, states in the Southwest U.S., such as Arizona, Nevada, and California, increased their number of representatives due to more people moving to those states for jobs.


How does the U.S. Census “Bureau” (office) collect “data” (information) to count people? First, it mails a letter to every “residence” (house, apartment, or other place where people live) in the U.S. with a “survey” (a list of questions). Most people get a two- or three-page survey that they are asked “to fill out” (to complete) and mail back to the government within about two weeks.


The survey asks just a few questions, including the names of everyone living in your house, your telephone number, whether you own your residence or rent it, your age, your sex, your birthday, your “income” (how much money you make), and your “race” (such as African American, Asian American, and white). It is very simple and short, and is available in many different languages.


One more interesting fact about the U.S. Census: the Census Bureau counts everyone, even people who are living here “without permission” (illegally). The government also promises to keep the information secret for at least 72 years so that people will be honest and not “withhold” (refuse to give) information they are asking for.



  • 1. Federal [ˈfɛdərəl] - 聯邦的
  • 2. Census [ˈsɛnsəs] - 人口普查
  • 3. Allot [əˈlɒt] - 分配
  • 4. Form [fɔːrm] - 構成
  • 5. Take into account [teɪk ˈɪntuː əˈkaʊnt] - 考慮
  • 6. Migration [maɪˈɡreɪʃən] - 遷徙
  • 7. Bureau [ˈbjʊəroʊ] - 局、辦事處
  • 8. Data [ˈdeɪtə] - 數據
  • 9. Survey [ˈsɜːrveɪ] - 調查問卷
  • 10. Residence [ˈrɛzɪdəns] - 住宅
  • 11. Income [ˈɪnkʌm] - 收入
  • 12. Race [reɪs] - 種族
  • 13. Without permission [wɪˈðaʊt pərˈmɪʃən] - 未經許可
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