每日英語 #145: Super Bowl Sunday 超級碗星期天

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Super Bowl Sunday 超級碗星期天

In late January or early February each year, Americans like to watch the national American football championship in the United States – the Super Bowl. It is the most popular sporting event of the year, watched by close to 80 million people.


Two reasons why Super Bowl Sunday is so popular, however, have nothing to do with the game of football itself. In fact, many of the 80 million people who will watch the game don’t watch another game all year. The Super Bowl game is the only game they watch. Why?


First, American football has two periods or “halves” (the plural of “half”). In between the two halves, there is a halftime show. In most other professional football games, there is a small entertainment show, often with “cheerleaders” (mainly women who try to get others excited about the game by jumping up and down, shouting, or dancing) and a “marching band” (a musical group that walks around or marches as they play). But the Super Bowl is different. The halftime show is a “major production” (big show), with famous singers and stars and other performances. It is a huge event.


The second reason people love to watch the Super Bowl is the commercials. The advertising announcements during the breaks in the game are extremely popular. In fact, because so many people watch the Super Bowl, advertisers have to pay close to $3,000,000 for a 30 second ad. Every company tries to produce an ad that people will remember, one that is funny or clever, that people will talk about the next day at work. A lot of people watch the Super Bowl really to watch the commercials. It’s strange but true.



  • 1. championship /ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp/ 冠軍賽
  • 2. halftime /ˈhæftaɪm/ 中場休息
  • 3. cheerleader /ˈtʃɪrˌliːdər/ 拉拉隊員
  • 4. marching band /ˈmɑːrtʃɪŋ bænd/ 行進樂隊
  • 5. major production /ˈmeɪdʒər prəˈdʌkʃən/ 大型製作
  • 6. commercial /kəˈmɜːrʃəl/ 廣告
  • 7. advertiser /ˈædvərˌtaɪzər/ 廣告商
  • 8. clever /ˈklɛvər/ 聰明的
  • 9. strange /streɪndʒ/ 奇怪的
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