如何面對人生的暴風雨?How to Face the Storms of Life? by mr gary

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Sunday Sermon: How to Face the Storms of Life?


Scripture Reference / 經文引用:

  • Jonah 1:1-17 / 約拿書 1:1-17 "Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai, saying, 'Go at once to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before me.'" 「耶和華的話臨到亞米泰的兒子約拿說:你起來往尼尼微大城去,向其中的居民呼喊說,他們的惡行已經上達我前。」
  • Matthew 8:23-27 / 馬太福音 8:23-27 "And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him. A fierce storm arose on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. And they went and woke him, saying, 'Lord, save us! We are perishing!' And he said to them, 'Why are you afraid, you of little faith?' Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a dead calm." 「耶穌上了船,門徒跟隨他。忽然,海上大作風暴,甚至船被波浪掩蓋,耶穌卻睡著了。門徒來叫醒他說:『主啊,救我們,我們快要喪命了!』耶穌說:『你們這小信的人,為什麼膽怯呢?』於是他起來斥責風和海,並且大大的平靜了。」

Introduction / 引言:

In the Bible, storms are often symbolic of the challenges and difficulties we face in life. Both Jonah and the disciples of Jesus experienced literal storms, but their stories also teach us how to navigate the metaphorical storms we encounter in our own journeys.


1. Jonah’s Disobedience / 約拿的悖逆:

Jonah was commanded by God to go to Nineveh and call the people to repentance. Instead, he tried to flee to Tarshish. His disobedience led him straight into a storm.


  • Lesson / 教訓: When we run from God’s will, we often find ourselves in the midst of difficult and stormy situations. Obedience to God brings peace, even in the storm. 當我們逃避神的旨意時,往往會發現自己身處困難和暴風中。順服神的旨意,即使在風暴中,也會帶來平安。

2. The Power of Prayer in the Storm / 風暴中的禱告力量:

Jonah, when caught in the storm, recognized his disobedience and prayed to God for mercy. Similarly, the disciples cried out to Jesus in their time of fear.


  • Lesson / 教訓: Prayer is a powerful tool when facing life's storms. Turning to God in moments of fear, doubt, and trouble brings clarity and peace. 當面對人生的風暴時,禱告是一個強大的工具。在恐懼、懷疑和困難中,轉向神會帶來清晰和平安。

3. God's Control Over the Storm / 神對風暴的掌控:

Both Jonah and Jesus showed us that God has power over the storm. For Jonah, God calmed the sea after he was thrown overboard. For the disciples, Jesus rebuked the winds and the sea.


  • Lesson / 教訓: No storm in our life is outside of God’s control. He has the power to calm any storm, whether literal or figurative, and bring peace to our troubled hearts. 我們生命中的任何風暴,都在神的掌管之中。他有能力平息所有風暴,無論是實際的還是象徵性的,並將平安賜給我們困惑的心靈。

4. Trust in God's Plan / 信靠神的計劃:

Both stories also remind us that God’s plan often involves struggles, but it is for a greater purpose. Jonah’s mission was to call Nineveh to repentance, and Jesus’ journey was to teach His disciples faith and obedience.


  • Lesson / 教訓: Even when life’s storms seem overwhelming, trust that God’s plan for you is good. He will use every storm to shape you into the person He has called you to be. 即使人生的風暴看似難以承受,信靠神對你的計劃是好的。他會利用每一次風暴來塑造你,成為祂呼召你成為的人。

Conclusion / 結論:

Life's storms may seem terrifying, but we are never alone. Whether in the belly of a great fish or on the waves of a stormy sea, God is with us, guiding us, and helping us through. Let us trust in His sovereignty and find peace in His presence.


Closing Prayer / 結束禱告:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your unfailing love and guidance through life's storms. Help us to trust in You more fully and to rely on Your power to calm the storms in our lives. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.


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