Linda Chang
326, Zhongzheng 3rd St.,
Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City
330027, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
September 22, 2024
The Middle Atlantic Institute of Technology
3 Some Avenue, Danbury,
Connecticut 50202
Attention Dean Claude Monet
Gentlemen and Ladies:
Subject: Educational Exchange
The Commission for Educational Exchange between the United States and Belgium has advised me to contact you in order to obtain employment assistance.
I received my Doctor's Degree with a "grande distinction" from the University of Brussels and would like to teach French (my mother tongue), English, Dutch, or German.
My special field is English literature; I wrote my dissertation on James Joyce, but I am also qualified to teach languages to business students. I have been active in the field of applied linguistics for the past- two years at the University of Brussels.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Respectfully yours,
Linda Chang
Linda Chang