323 Bannock Street
Denver, CO 80204
19 August 2024
Soon Yi Choe
Kids International Village
830-62 Peomil 2-Dong
Tong-Gu Busan
South Korea
Ref: Order No. AG0308
Dear Mr. Choe:
Subject: Payment reminder for order number AG0308
According to our records, we have not yet received payment for your order number AG0308, placed on August 3, 2024. It appears that the payment is two weeks overdue. The details of your order are provided below for your reference.
Order Number: AG0308
Placed: August 3
Shipped: August 5
Items: 50 copies of Kids and Technology
Our invoice number: 080315
Amount due: $1000
If you have already settled the account before this letter reaches you, please ignore this reminder and accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Linda Chang
Linda Chang
Staff, EduTech
Enc: PO, invoice