每日英語 #101: Binge Viewing

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Binge Viewing

Binge viewing has become a popular activity, especially in the United States. Traditionally, on major American holidays such as Independence Day, Labor Day, and Memorial Day, certain television channels would run a "marathon" of a single TV show. In this context, a marathon refers to showing several episodes of a particular show in a single day or over a weekend. For example, during one Fourth of July holiday, a channel aired more than a dozen episodes of the classic TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation.


However, with the rise of online video streaming services, people no longer need to wait for holidays to indulge in watching multiple episodes of their favorite shows. These services allow users to rent or stream all the episodes from a series and watch them whenever they want. According to a 2012 article in The Wall Street Journal, many people have started watching entire seasons or even multiple seasons of a show in a single weekend, consuming 10 to 15 hours of content back-to-back.


This practice is now referred to as "binge viewing." The term "to binge" typically describes excessive consumption, such as spending several days consuming alcohol or large amounts of food, often unhealthy items like chocolate or potato chips. Now, with video-on-demand services available on TVs and computers, people are able to binge on old TV shows, watching them continuously without having to wait for the next episode.



  1. Marathon /ˈmærəˌθɑːn/ - A long race or, in this context, a continuous broadcast of multiple episodes of a TV show.
  2. Back-to-back /bæk tuː bæk/ - One episode right after another without a break.
  3. Binge /bɪndʒ/ - Excessive consumption of something, often in a short period of time.
  4. On demand /ɑːn dəˈmænd/ - Available whenever the user wants to access it.
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