【作者】Eileen Caddy
Waste no time in idle thoughts and chatter. Use every moment of time in loving, positive, constructive thoughts and words. Realise that the thoughts you project can help or mar; therefore be master of your thoughts and words and not a slave to them. Why not enjoy life to the full? You can only do that when you are giving of your very best in time, words and deeds. Open your eyes and open your heart and see and feel the very best in everything and everyone around you. If you have difficulty in finding the very best, simply keep on looking for it until you have found it; it is there waiting for you. There are many wonderful things in the world. Why not take time to concentrate on them and fill your life with them, so that the unpleasant, unhappy and discordant ones can find no place in your life? Life is what you make it. What are you making of yours?