Review of Akai mpk249

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Akai mpk249
After studying for days trying to figure out the machine my buddy Tark helped me buy it and my aunt brought it far away from Korea for me. I want to share how I feel about this machine. I told my love, “I don’t see many people really get deeper to talk about how it be used well. I only hear people mention about functions that the Akai web mentioned about.”
Every machine seems so good, especially those new and few products for certain users, Ex. musicians, audio engineers and arrangers. And the comparison, those terms, for newbies are definitely confused and difficult.
My iPad remote is still perfect and seamlessly to Logic Pro, no doubts and unbeatable, wonderful mixer for Logic Pro. I could use on mixing, recording, every plugin I could see on Logic Pro.
I used to have a small keyboard on desk especially for simple notes playing, AKM 320. It then was broken by me by mis-use I think. Then I tried to get a new one. I wanted a better one which has more functions.
I used to have Novation Zero SL II as my midi controller to control tracks. That was the first time I knew Automap. Man! That was complicated to me. Mine wasn’t a new one. It caused my misunderstanding to the machine. Anyways, I got it fixed. Then other problems happened. Sonar crashed all the time. That made me really sad.
I started to use Logic Pro. Automap was able to connect with all plugins in Logic. However, for it always showed on the choice of roll down menu, it didn’t feel it’s cohesive.
Sometimes, I just needed to double check my master and I needed to turn on the machine if I used it to mix as well. Most time, I didn’t. I had a hard time of learning Automap as well. That time I was a newbie to controllers.
Anyways, now I have which has no Automap. I was happy that things turn out much easier. It did take me some time learning the machine, mpk249 though. Akai has its own preset for Logic. It sounds like happy ever forever. No, not really. Since Apple and Logic Pro have also updated a few times. Many presets before Apple update don’t work. The updates influence huge including many plugins as well. That means the preset of the machine doesn’t work with the latest Logic. Oh! Okay. I read. I started to learn both Mpk249 and Logic control surface support, two books plus google for solution see if there’s any experts giving out more ideas. Finally I got it. Downloaded an Apple source code written by someone who was excellent and able to write. Yeah! Problem resolved. Well, when there’s no Automap, someone gotta map it.
Mpk249 has seven knobs, seven sliders, seven switches and three banks, the most numbers of things I can control is 72. The most tracks I can control is 24 including pan and solo. Well notice this, if I assign any parameters to control plugins, then I control less channels. Total is 72.
I look at my iPad. “Thank You” I said.
However, playing on semi-weighted keys is really pleasing. The feeling and the sense just like playing on a real piano. The drum pads are sweet too. I never get to really use drum pads. I never know how to use the drum pads on my Novation Zero SkII. I always failed to use those. Transport works fine. I could play, record, etc., via using switches on Akai. Though I can’t really do like some Youtubers say, “You don’t need to use your computer keys at all. You can only focus on your playing.”
“I can’t. I need to delete, paste, quantize, undo, redo, etc.”
Nevertheless, after I went over again to study all the machines on the market. I’m content with mpk249. It’s a combination for playing and mixing, simple and easy to use. Otherwise, I gotta have keys for playing and a controller for mixing. And the size fits my desk. That’s a big plus as well. Mpk249 is an easy use, convenient and good quality machine. I thank God, Tark and my aunt.
Get back to do my music stuff.
平威的沙龍 的其他內容
      這是客戶訂做的英文兒歌編曲,他已經寫好了歌詞與旋律(註一),我便負責後續的背景音樂、錄音、製作及母帶。      跟著我一起來看看吧,先把要編的歌曲聽個幾遍,了解旋律、調式與速度。
      一生中,朋友當然是永遠的,但是因為階段性的關係,有些朋友會因為種種的原因而漸行漸遠,不是不在乎了,也不是厭倦或討厭了,是因為生活的重疊性少了,相關性少了,聯絡便也少了。      十來歲時,朋友以同學或同校的居多,有著相同的環境的我們,在學校聊,放學了到家還要繼續聊,講不完的笑話,說不完
      這是客戶訂做的英文兒歌編曲,他已經寫好了歌詞與旋律(註一),我便負責後續的背景音樂、錄音、製作及母帶。      跟著我一起來看看吧,先把要編的歌曲聽個幾遍,了解旋律、調式與速度。
      一生中,朋友當然是永遠的,但是因為階段性的關係,有些朋友會因為種種的原因而漸行漸遠,不是不在乎了,也不是厭倦或討厭了,是因為生活的重疊性少了,相關性少了,聯絡便也少了。      十來歲時,朋友以同學或同校的居多,有著相同的環境的我們,在學校聊,放學了到家還要繼續聊,講不完的笑話,說不完
Google News 追蹤
/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
閒來無事,只好把口琴拿出來練練。說真的,我國一的時候,就會吹口琴了,而且吹得比現在好太多。荒廢了二十幾年,直到5年前,有公司同事說想學口琴,為了不要漏氣,我也買了一支偷練。這是我幫同事買的口琴,他說要買好一點的,還是我專程到屏東市區中正路的KHS(功學社、YAMAHA 旗艦店)挑的。
當你開始使用第三方的樂器,例如用Kontakt引擎跑的音源庫、East West的Play、或是各式各樣的合成器,最重要的就是要把這些樂器掛在你的DAW裡面,但首先,我們先來了解這些Kontakt、Play到底是什麼東東! 常常聽到很多人說「Kontakt樂器」,會讓人誤以為Kontakt...
最近在練習吉他的彈奏,靈機一動,對著電視就練了起來。 原來我把電視轉到YouTube,找一些曾經聽過的懷舊老歌,先找到它的單音,再找它的調門和弦,最後就跟著一起彈奏起來,時不時還跟著唱。 這其實是我心目中最理想的「卡拉OK」,號稱「純人工手動的吉他卡拉OK」,因為這樣的音樂境界在我心目中才算OK
我的調音器兼節拍器是Seiko STH200(See Here),常態性的掛在譜架上。想要學拉小提琴這件事,只要提到不知道音準,需要看調音器,這時就會有很多人跟你說,不要用調音器,要用耳朵聽。 這件事我也知道,道理我都懂,可是我就聽不出來啊怎麼辦。所以我還是默默地偷偷開著調音器不敢給人知道。
這是我第二個入手的機械鍵盤。第一把鍵盤價格大約在兩千元左右,但由於耐用度問題,很快就有多個按鍵壞掉,因此使用評價較差。 起初我並不打算再使用機械鍵盤,直到我發現這款鍵盤。不小心又失心瘋了,因為這把鍵盤外型特別有創意,刻字不像一般的鍵盤那樣在上方,而是刻在側邊,以避免磨損,這樣的設計看起來十分有趣,
長時間使用電腦的你,喜歡使用什麼類型的鍵盤? 1. 可以使用就好 2. 每天都要用,買一個自己喜歡的造型,用來工作,心情也會好點 3. 作為玩家,只要有RGB,規格什麼的不重要 4. 除了有RGB,觸發時間和軸體,也是很重要的~
過了許久終於要從筆電換成了桌機,電腦配件幾乎也都需要再添購,這次看了很久的鍵盤,每一次都跑到3C店給他一直按來按去。最終挑到了這把 irocks K86R!
/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
閒來無事,只好把口琴拿出來練練。說真的,我國一的時候,就會吹口琴了,而且吹得比現在好太多。荒廢了二十幾年,直到5年前,有公司同事說想學口琴,為了不要漏氣,我也買了一支偷練。這是我幫同事買的口琴,他說要買好一點的,還是我專程到屏東市區中正路的KHS(功學社、YAMAHA 旗艦店)挑的。
當你開始使用第三方的樂器,例如用Kontakt引擎跑的音源庫、East West的Play、或是各式各樣的合成器,最重要的就是要把這些樂器掛在你的DAW裡面,但首先,我們先來了解這些Kontakt、Play到底是什麼東東! 常常聽到很多人說「Kontakt樂器」,會讓人誤以為Kontakt...
最近在練習吉他的彈奏,靈機一動,對著電視就練了起來。 原來我把電視轉到YouTube,找一些曾經聽過的懷舊老歌,先找到它的單音,再找它的調門和弦,最後就跟著一起彈奏起來,時不時還跟著唱。 這其實是我心目中最理想的「卡拉OK」,號稱「純人工手動的吉他卡拉OK」,因為這樣的音樂境界在我心目中才算OK
我的調音器兼節拍器是Seiko STH200(See Here),常態性的掛在譜架上。想要學拉小提琴這件事,只要提到不知道音準,需要看調音器,這時就會有很多人跟你說,不要用調音器,要用耳朵聽。 這件事我也知道,道理我都懂,可是我就聽不出來啊怎麼辦。所以我還是默默地偷偷開著調音器不敢給人知道。
這是我第二個入手的機械鍵盤。第一把鍵盤價格大約在兩千元左右,但由於耐用度問題,很快就有多個按鍵壞掉,因此使用評價較差。 起初我並不打算再使用機械鍵盤,直到我發現這款鍵盤。不小心又失心瘋了,因為這把鍵盤外型特別有創意,刻字不像一般的鍵盤那樣在上方,而是刻在側邊,以避免磨損,這樣的設計看起來十分有趣,
長時間使用電腦的你,喜歡使用什麼類型的鍵盤? 1. 可以使用就好 2. 每天都要用,買一個自己喜歡的造型,用來工作,心情也會好點 3. 作為玩家,只要有RGB,規格什麼的不重要 4. 除了有RGB,觸發時間和軸體,也是很重要的~
過了許久終於要從筆電換成了桌機,電腦配件幾乎也都需要再添購,這次看了很久的鍵盤,每一次都跑到3C店給他一直按來按去。最終挑到了這把 irocks K86R!