15. 謙 000100 地山-坤艮 (Quarter 1-13)

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亨,君子有終。-- 高深奧秘的宇宙啊!君子走筆至此,正在接近一個段落,......似乎有點寫不下去了!......這可以說是接近一個終點的結束,也可以說是接近另一個起點的開始。..........................Climbing up to the top of the mountain above clouds, seems like landing on the big moon far away from earth.......So many stars are shining over there in the night sky, so high!...............This is an end point, and also a start point......About the long journey of inter-space exploration, this is only close to a quarter in the time-space of I.E., .......is almost nearing over a quarter...........

初六:謙謙君子,用涉大川。/ 變卦地火明夷 -- 身為所謂的君子,就如同探險家和記者,又像身兼翻譯工作的遊子和學子,通曉多種語言文字,翻山越嶺、渡過大河川,甚至易服又易容,混跡在陌生之地。......這纔逐漸發現,依稀有個隱藏在地底的神秘火光。.....................As an explorer and journalist, sometimes also a translator, I speak in many languages, pass through many mountain ridges, move across great rivers,.......even makeup my face and change different wearings on different lands,......then I gradually understand something hide under the ground............Is that some kind of energy resource?...........I see.....a powerful firelight under there.........

六二:鳴謙,貞吉。/ 變卦地風升 -- 傾聽鳥鳴、學習鳥語,都是為了多認識一些世間的語言、多做一些偵測和連結的工作。那麼,那些像風吼般從深邃的地底吹號著上升到地面的聲音,又是傳達著什麼樣的意義呢?.........................I listen to the birds and talk with them as a lingual detective.........I try to decode and interlink with different kinds of languages,...........even try to translate the sounds made by the winds blowing out from the deep ground........

九三:勞謙,君子有終,吉。/ 變卦坤為地 -- 經過一翻又一翻辛勞的翻譯和轉述的工作,君子們終於在相隔的地理環境、相異的語言文化之間達成了許多連結。.......最後,甚至還趨近了那隱藏在地底的神秘火光。......................After a lot of laborious efforts in lingual exchange,..........finally we get the links,........from a land to another land,........from the land above the ground to the land under the ground,........and get close to that hidden mysterious powerful firelight...........

六四:無不利,撝謙。/ 變卦雷山小過 -- 緩慢而逐漸的、沒有太多防備的趨近那地底的神秘火光,我們試圖和它進行溝通,甚至採用手勢為主的肢體語言。.......然後,它竟然發出使人驚心動魄的響聲,就好像是從深山裡頭蹦出來的恐怖雷鳴!.......是不是我們誤會了什麼呢?是不是我們跨過了它不能容忍的界線呢?.........................Slowly and gradually, I suppose it's not very dangerous to us and loose our heavy defense...... I even use the gestures of my hands and fingers to communicate with it.......Then that hidden powerful firelight makes a louder sound,......just like the terrible thunder come out from the deep inside of the mountain...............I don't know what's wrong with us? Do we make any mistake? Do we move across its intolerable line?.......

六五:不富以其鄰,利用侵伐,無不利。/ 變卦水山蹇 -- 接著,它變成一個好像帶著磷光般發亮扁平翅膀的飛行物體,行動非常快速、倏然飛越人群,然後緩緩減速、降落在我們的前方,阻擋了我們行進的隊伍,如同整個表面披覆了鱗片、閃爍著神秘磷光似的、水波潾潾般的大山,怵目驚心的矗立在我們眼前。...........................Then.....it seems like become a flying object with light and flat wings which coated by something looked like shining phosphorus,...........flying so fast,.......through the crowd,.........then slowing down and landing on the way that we are moving forward,.......seems like a mountain with shining water rocks standing in front of our eyes.............

上六:鳴謙,利用行師,征邑國。/ 變卦艮為山 -- 我試著用鳥類的語言和它對話,但是它仍然繼續快速飛行,穿越我們的防衛隊伍,輕易抵達我們建築在高山頂上的城池。然後,接著它不停的跨越一山又一山,幾乎耗盡大地上所有潔淨的水。難道......好不容易建立起來的穩固文明、好不容易建設起來的廣大連結,此時就要枯萎和停頓了嗎?.............................................最後,我想必須做一點記錄,也許能提醒一下未來仍然存活的人:或許你以為可以和任何事物對話和溝通,但是有些事物是很難交談的、很難及時瞭解和翻譯,.......它來自地底深處、行動非常快速,沒有人能阻止它。...........那是什麼呢?.......是地底下的火山爆發嗎?是恐怖的大地震嗎?還是沉睡已久而再次甦醒的巨大怪物呢?或是失落的遠古先進文明曾經埋藏在地底的、失控而危險的機器呢?..........它是很神秘的東西,也很難描述。所以,為何我們不製作一些表演或展示品、象徵物、圖示或圖騰、玩具、故事、連載故事等等去表達它呢?.......至少為了那些在未來還能存活下來的人類啊!.......................I try to talk with it in bird's languages, but it keeps flying fast,.......through our defensive crowd,........then flying toward and across the walls of our country land on the top of the mountain,........and moving across mountains over mountains,...........almost exhausting all of the fresh water!..........................................At last, I think I should note down something for mentioning: Maybe you think you can understand all of the languages and communicate with anyone,........but there is something you can't talk with,.......can't translate in time........It comes out from the deep inside of the ground,........moves so fast, and no one can stop it.............What is it?......Is it an underground volcano?......or a horrible earthquake?......or some kind of waking giant sleeping monster?......or some kind of dangerous mine or out of controlled machine buried by ancient lost progressive civilization?..................It's very mysterious........It's very difficult to describe.........So, why don't we produce some kind of entertaining performance or presentation, or significance, or token, or totem, or toy, tory, tories, story............to show it in symbolic description........for the survival human beings in the future?...........

"This qua is very scaring to me!.........這似乎是個相當嚇人的一卦啊!.......難道與「謙」字有關的、常常被人讚許的謙虛、謙遜、謙讓、謙卑、隱退的美德,最終也有個很難跨越的鴻溝和界限嗎?......."

"從古代記錄時間的「六十甲子」來看,由「甲子」開始到「癸亥」為止,包含了四個時間的大跨度,也就是四個 quarter。在易經裡,除了前後四卦之外,每個大跨度包含十五卦,總共有六十卦。所以呢!這一卦可以說是正在接近第一個大跨度的終點,也可以說是接近另一個大跨度的起點。那個第一次大轉變的關鍵時刻,似乎曾經被設定在第十七卦和第十八卦之間呢!........"

"Do You mean:.......Except the first two quas and last two quas, a quarter is one of the four-quarters which involve sixty quas in 易經.......and each quarter involves fifteen quas......So, the 'ending with anding timing' between first quarter and second quarter seemed like have been set between 17th qua and 18th qua in 易經?......"

"Yes!.......Maybe you already know, many lost ancient civilizations had ever given up their linguistic words, and left many mysteriously graphical symbols,........stacked some silent and stable sculptures made by woods or stones......But why?......."

"I suppose something could change very fast, it was hard to describe clearly by linguistic words in time.......That's why those ancient people tried to sketch it by pictogram and graphics, or recorded it by a series of paints and sculptures,.....even by some kind of motion pictures......or animations......"

"The most mysterious symbol was always simple,......just like the Final Theory imagined by many theoretical physicists, it must be very simple, but also could explain everything in the world......."

"But......unfortunately the simplest theory or symbol might be just another hidden mountain under the ground which had ever been found by ancient human beings......That's why this qua was consisted by land and mountain,......and at the end of this qua, it became two mountains linked together, just liked a pyramid stood above another pyramid......"

"That meant......actually there wasn't a linguistic language could totally replace another linguistic language exactly,.......that's why they finally tried to picture and graphic the meanings about their known world......"

"Yes! If a giant transformer was changing its form very quickly in front of your eyes, how could you accurately describe its form by the poor words?......All you could do might be recording its transformation instantly by the technology of motion pictures to show it, even analyze it......."

"The motion pictures technology which based on the principle of moving the linked still pictures was not only invented for recording and observing in scientific research, but also became an awesome media of visualized entertainment......"

"Something was hard to describe, so they just recorded it and showed it,......but about the editing skill, it must be another story......It was called montage in movie production......that might give the linked pictures with especial meaning.......But, unfortunately it's also certainly not the accurate meaning, it's just a similar meaning or symbolic description.......So called 似是而非........."

"At last in this qua, those ancient people might have a feeling that their world seems like a great space covered by another big and empty mountain, and perhaps was also a virtual reality space created by the unknowable intelligent creators in the beginning......or starting........"

"They might ask themselves a question: The whole world was created for which purpose?.........For scientific observation or for especial entertainment?........or just a psychological game?.......or just a small game in another great game?.......seems like dream in dream?......."

"Do you think you and me are just staying in a dream space which is contained by another great dream space?....."

"No! We are meeting on the edge between land and sea,.....we are staying on the beach.......Here is changing in every seconds, here is not a stable space, so I built a villa house for us........."

"I know.......It's just a 'Virtualla Place'......It might be some kind of chance or choice about the future in our imaginations......"

"If you knew the last two quas in 易經, you must feel every final issues about the chance or choice in our life might be all the same, that is: Will we move ourselves across the big river or great sea to another shore? Will we put down what we already sure and bravely go to the unsure place or aware-less world?......"

"Yes! 'Virtualla Place' is just a temporary and changeable transforming existence...........All we leave here might be as same as the water mixed with sands in the future, seems like a wireless transferring electricity with electrons on the edge and might be caught by some especial or predestined channels, that's all......."

謙......Messages about holding two trees.........That's inter-trees!......




So many meanings could be simply symbolized by this Hanese word '謙' which sounded like 'chan' or 'tran', and its originally graphical meaning seemed like 'messages about holding two trees', I think that might be the way of the ancient Hanese journalists and translators who tried to record something which was changing fast by very less words...........

"Actually the symbolic word of the title about the first qua in 易經 - 乾 is also sounded like 'tran' or 'chan'. That points a possibility: The hidden firelight was told in this qua might be as strong as the creator of the whole world........It's the most mysterious part in this qua......"

"Not just that!......These Hanese words 趣、趨、前 are all sounded like 'choose', 'choice' or 'chance', even 'trend'. I think it was very attracting to the original author of 易經 and pointed a strong trend to the following destination of the ancient civilization's development......."

"Which one could hold two trees in nature?......spider?......monkey?......or human themselves?......or some kind of elevator?......or something could move between different levels or layers?......a time-space traveler?......or just God itself?.........."

"Maybe someone found a new world at that time, but it was also an unknown and untouchable world,......a shocking wonder land?......a great magic world?......or an out of physical principle world?......."

"That might be the reason why those ancient translators tried to show it by some kind of presentation or performance, because they might doubt if they could move across to that magical new world or not,........and that's why the next qua '豫' was going to talk about the symbolic performance or entertainment........, they concerned it, they tried to trace it, tried to entertain, because they were not already certainly going to enter the entrance of that choice which might take them into an incredibly great changing......"


"Actually there might be no one really liked to be the captain of pacing the first step on the way to another unknown and aware-less space......"

"But the instruments of long distance messages transmission might could be the captain naturally, just like the sounds of music, the pictures of movie, the passions of performances or art works......."

"What are they based on?......Are they light, air, water or matters?..........And which thing combined all these factors?..........."

"Do you really like to get the answer about it?.......seem like to ask: How did it start?......Why did it begin?......... "

"I beg your pardon!.........What is the beginning?........Why things were going to begin?.........I bet you don't know anything about it!......"

"I really hope so!.......And now I feel a little bit weak, I think I should leave here for a while,.......not for our sakes,......not for our fates........We are just beach-mates from the beginning......."
P.S. 相關文章:易的故事 -- The Story of I.E.
LS. Salon / Rooms: 1.文字的堂奧與空間 Subtle Space of Texts 2.夢的原理 The Elements of Dream 3.易的故事 The Story of I.E. 4.橋接文字 Bridge Words 5.一籮筐詩詞 ALOPAL 6.爾爾藝廊 22Gallery
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第15首-商君不聽趙良言|艋舺龍山寺觀世音靈籤這次神明的小紙條,要說一個很有能力才華,立下大功勞, 但是最後卻慘死,而且還沒有人同情的歷史人物和典故。 現在就讓我們一起來打開神明的小紙條吧~