Why Minecraft is Good for You (英文文章)

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Are you a person who loves video games? If you are, you should know Minecraft. If you don't know what's Minecraft, it's where "players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world with infinite terrain, and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures or earthworks. Depending on game mode, players can fight computer-controlled “mobs”, as well as cooperate with or compete against other players in the same world. Game modes include a survival mode, in which players must acquire resources to build the world and maintain health, and a creative mode, where players have unlimited resources. Players can modify the game to create new gameplay mechanics, items, and assets."

Now, lots of people think that video games such as Minecraft are bad. They hurt your eyes if you play too much. That is correct, but Minecraft also be good for you! Why? Because it boosts your creativity, problem- solving skills, and lots more!
Have you heard of 'would you rather' in Minecraft? It's actually just 'would you rather' in Minecraft, and your character experiences whatever it chooses. Sometimes this can improve your life choices. Like would you rather have to fight a zombie or fireballs. The zombie is better because you have more chance of defeating that. Fireballs just hit you, and you have to dodge ALL of them!
There is also building in Minecraft. You can build your own houses in Minecraft, or even challenge your friends to a building contest! Building houses or other things can boost your creativity. Like what shape your house will be, or where you couch is, or anything else.
The last example is prison escapes. You could be locked inside a prison in Minecraft. But the thing is, there is always a way out. In prison, you have to escape from your cell, then you can complete the other tasks and you will be FREE!
Now do you know why Minecraft isn't that bad? I hope this article will help you understand.

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