6W1H-Namie Amuro

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Namie Amuro 25週年全精選專輯《Finally》宣傳照之一
  • Finally, 2017
  • namie amuro 25th ANNIVERSARY LIVE in OKINAWA at 宜野灣海濱公園野外特設會場 2017.9.16
  • namie amuro Final Tour 2018 ~Finally~ at Tokyo Dome 2018.6.3
【WHERE】:Avex Trax Online Shop、iTunes
【WHO】:Only with myself, alone.
Being a fan since 1997. Ticket to live concert 2001 in Taiwan purchased, but it was ruined by a typhoon. Live concerts 2004, 2008, 2009, 2013 in Taiwan attended.
Namie Amuro’s retirement announcement.
〈namie amuro 25th ANNIVERSARY Live in OKINAWA〉 scheduled and held on September 16th & 17th, 2017.
Retirement announced on September 20, 2017.
〈namie amuro Final Tour 2018 ~Finally~〉 scheduled and held on the following dates:
  • February 17th & 18th, 2018 at Aichi, Japan
  • February 24th & 25th, 2018 at Fukuoka, Japan
  • April 14th, 2018 at Hokkaido, Japan
  • April 21st, 22nd, 25th & 26th, 2018 at Osaka, Japan
  • May 2nd, 3rd, 5th & 6th, 2018 at Tokyo, Japan
  • March 17th & 18th, 2018 at Guangdong, People’s Republic of China
  • March 31st, 2018 at Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China
  • May 19th & 20th, 2018 at Taipei, Republic of China, Taiwan
  • June 2nd & 3rd, 2018 at Tokyo, Japan
〈namie amuro Final Tour 2018~Finally~〉live DVD & BD released on August 29th, 2018.
Officially retired on September 16, 2018.
The tickets to her 2018 live concerts in Taipei got sold on February 28th, 2018. That’s the day declaring that I was not a chosen fan to participate in one of my favorite activities. Within few minutes after the ticket selling website went online, no seat was available anymore. How hatred and sad it is!
During the tour, there were fans, who got no ticket, gathering outside of the places and listening to the music leaked from inside. How hatred and sad it could be!
I’ve been to several places around the world, and one of them is Okinawa. It’s never been an option on my list. A short chat with a friend of mine got us visited there. She noticed me the news of the live concerts in Taipei, and I told her that if I could get the ticket, I would definitely get myself there even though I would cry from the beginning to the end. Probably, it is hatred and sad enough, so my Gods and Goddesses changed the future of me attending one of my previous favorite activities.
To me, it’s a pity that I didn’t make it to the concert hall at the end. Tears appeared on the day retirement got announced, and they should disappear in one of the places outside of Japan. Mainland China and Hong Kong used to be options, but my schedule and budget were not available. Therefore, those tears are still kidnapped by the hatredness and sadness. The feelings should be erased as the tears want to be rescued. Truth or Dare game is calling it quits.
  • Truth: As a fan since 1997, I’ve seen her dancing while singing for a very long time. She is definitely a pro. However, the reality demands challenges. Among the same type of singers around the world, is she professional enough to keep herself in good shape for dancing while singing all the time? Her music were made for live performance. Except her music, she has no extra word for any attendee to her live concerts. So, live performance defines her singer and dancer career. Compare to other beaties, who are and are not capable of dancing, she needed to maintain herself with heavy volume of exercises, so there is no need to keep her beautiful in public with too much medical care, makeup, fashion accessories etc. A celebrity gets more than one role in industries. She is a boss, an employee, and a physical product maker. Myself as a normal resident needs privacy, holidays, day-offs, and retirement. She is not actually that special. A sexual partner who would not betray, a marriage which is not easy to break, a group of friends without industrial financial connections, a lifestyle without hiding her faces, to name a few. Retirement in her fourties is not that suprising, to be honest.
  • Dare: Where was the spotlight after the retirement announcement went public? There were lots of activities launched by her. There were different reports in different media platforms. What’s in common is the review of her career. As a long-term and senior consumer, I sensed something unuasul to myself. For the strategy of getting retired, she became a dancing singer I have never met before. “Retirement” is not an easy topic for celebrities and their followers. According to her arrangement, the marketing topic was sadness but the phenomenon and atmosphere were glorious and excitement. “Finally” was the slogan of the strategy. “How do you feel now?“ marked the end of her dancing singer career. Was she a betrayer to all of her fans? What would be a better movement for her to get off the entertainment industry? Longer gaps between singles and albums; fewer schedules for each live tour; more magzines, advertisements, and other activities as income sources; time spent on exploring what’s new in life and gently shifting to another future, etc. Is all of her fans her friend or foe? Were purchasing her relevant products and buying tickets to participate in her live concerts the worst investments I have ever made? If I knew about her idea and planning of getting retired at the very beginning, would I still decide to become a fan? She is probably the first one in history to retire under such an arrangement. Is it good or bad to retire under such an arrangement?
The last year of her career began and ended both at OKINAWA on September 16th, but in 2017 and 2018 seperately. Am I the only one seeing the duration as the funeral? It’s a western and eastern integreted style funeral. The eastern part connected with all the money contributed to all relevant services and products provided by her. The western part connected with the entire strategic planning. In the east, people paying money when attending a funeral tends to show their willingness of helping the remaining family members to get through the hard time. So, it‘s impossible to have fun or make fun of the dead in such an occasion. In the west, people could deliver speeches for the dead and create a less serious ceremony for all attendees. How hatred and sad it was, wasn’t it?
To me, some nobody as her fan since 1997, Namie Amuro as a Japanese dancing singer is not just retired. I saw myself a friend to her, but feel like a foe to her at the end. Namie Amuro as a Japanese dancing singer had died at my end in 2018. From then on, Namie Amuro is just a normal Japanese resident. My role of Namie Amuro’s fan has marked “1997-2018” forever. Period.

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該說格編桑桑跟我有心靈相通的默契嗎 ? 原本文章類就有打算想寫一篇關於安室奈美惠最終演唱會觀後心得,沒想到立刻tag我來分享最難忘的演唱會。(其實9月第一彈創作字之一就有演唱會啦)
YOASOBI-舞台に立って 無邪気に思い描いた 曾經天真想像的 未来の私の背中をひたすら追いかけた 未來的自己 我一心追趕著那抹背影 きっと もうすぐ見えなくなる 肯定 馬上就會看不見 重なり合う そう信じている 兩者彼此重疊 我如此相信著 ここが私の未来だ 這裡就是我的未來
日本歌雨の空港,原唱森山愛子(もりやま あいこ)1985年1月27日出生於栃木縣宇都宮市,日本歌手。高一的時候,參加日本電視的“女生的傲人歌喉高中生大會",因緣際會成為名作曲家水森英夫的弟子。 雨の空港是2023年2月發行的歌曲,由水森英夫作曲是一首節奏緩慢,小三連音的抒情歌曲,歌詞以機場為舞台
一直喜歡聽老歌! 也許聽老歌時,其實是想回想那段時間裡屬於自己的青春回憶。
「儘管相隔遙遠,你們還是發現了我的音樂,今天還來現場支持我,真的非常感謝。」- Aimer 睽違了五年再次來到臺灣表演,去年看完 FC 場後許的願望成真了:)。散場時打在場館內的光線,配上為了燈光而安排的煙霧,真的非常夢幻。 我想,天堂大概就是這個樣子吧(笑
— 六年前的今天 20180607 我和安粉的照片登上 《安室奈美惠 Namie Amuro》官網 — 2018年6月是我註冊IG帳號的起點, 也是為了參加安室官網的歌迷照片徵稿, 因此我的IG第一篇發文就是放上了投稿照片, 2018年6月7日當天很幸運地有兩張照片被選中,
有時候與音樂相遇,也是一種緣份。 在唱片行與PIECE OF MY WISH不期而遇 熟悉的旋律傳入我的耳裡,不是萬芳的「思念」,她的歌裡有淡淡的甜,像一陣和煦輕柔的風吹在心上,剎那間療癒了孤單的心。 她是今井美樹(MIKI IMAI)
今年年初去正式聽了五月天的第一場演唱會,還是新年的第一天1/1, 這是一種小時候的夢想遲遲沒有實現,接著又進入了一段沒有抱有太大的熱忱興趣的年紀,以為就這樣不了了之。沒想到在30歲這年,突然一個偶然的機會,實現了一個遙遠的青春時期的夢想。 就如阿信說的,一首首歌就如一台時光機,總是在歌曲旋律
當我推的演唱會是我的生日時.... 愛理ちゃんと永遠を誓ってき!!!!!( ⸝⸝•ᴗ•⸝⸝ )੭♡
該說格編桑桑跟我有心靈相通的默契嗎 ? 原本文章類就有打算想寫一篇關於安室奈美惠最終演唱會觀後心得,沒想到立刻tag我來分享最難忘的演唱會。(其實9月第一彈創作字之一就有演唱會啦)
YOASOBI-舞台に立って 無邪気に思い描いた 曾經天真想像的 未来の私の背中をひたすら追いかけた 未來的自己 我一心追趕著那抹背影 きっと もうすぐ見えなくなる 肯定 馬上就會看不見 重なり合う そう信じている 兩者彼此重疊 我如此相信著 ここが私の未来だ 這裡就是我的未來
日本歌雨の空港,原唱森山愛子(もりやま あいこ)1985年1月27日出生於栃木縣宇都宮市,日本歌手。高一的時候,參加日本電視的“女生的傲人歌喉高中生大會",因緣際會成為名作曲家水森英夫的弟子。 雨の空港是2023年2月發行的歌曲,由水森英夫作曲是一首節奏緩慢,小三連音的抒情歌曲,歌詞以機場為舞台
一直喜歡聽老歌! 也許聽老歌時,其實是想回想那段時間裡屬於自己的青春回憶。
「儘管相隔遙遠,你們還是發現了我的音樂,今天還來現場支持我,真的非常感謝。」- Aimer 睽違了五年再次來到臺灣表演,去年看完 FC 場後許的願望成真了:)。散場時打在場館內的光線,配上為了燈光而安排的煙霧,真的非常夢幻。 我想,天堂大概就是這個樣子吧(笑
— 六年前的今天 20180607 我和安粉的照片登上 《安室奈美惠 Namie Amuro》官網 — 2018年6月是我註冊IG帳號的起點, 也是為了參加安室官網的歌迷照片徵稿, 因此我的IG第一篇發文就是放上了投稿照片, 2018年6月7日當天很幸運地有兩張照片被選中,
有時候與音樂相遇,也是一種緣份。 在唱片行與PIECE OF MY WISH不期而遇 熟悉的旋律傳入我的耳裡,不是萬芳的「思念」,她的歌裡有淡淡的甜,像一陣和煦輕柔的風吹在心上,剎那間療癒了孤單的心。 她是今井美樹(MIKI IMAI)
今年年初去正式聽了五月天的第一場演唱會,還是新年的第一天1/1, 這是一種小時候的夢想遲遲沒有實現,接著又進入了一段沒有抱有太大的熱忱興趣的年紀,以為就這樣不了了之。沒想到在30歲這年,突然一個偶然的機會,實現了一個遙遠的青春時期的夢想。 就如阿信說的,一首首歌就如一台時光機,總是在歌曲旋律
當我推的演唱會是我的生日時.... 愛理ちゃんと永遠を誓ってき!!!!!( ⸝⸝•ᴗ•⸝⸝ )੭♡