別再浪費時間了!從現在開始,讓你的自由工作更加有趣 🚀

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新增項目–【網站出售】不用自己從零開始,買這個網站,就有收入了!💰🚀 別忘記投票讓我知道你對【搶先競標優質網域名稱】這個主題有興趣嗎?


  • Tanya Khanijow is hiring a video editor for her travel YouTube channel.
  • LockDownLife is looking for a Minecraft video editor proficient in Premiere Pro and After Effects.
  • Airrack is looking for a Los Angeles-based video editor to join his team.



  • PromptPerfect (Jina AI), "an open-source software company providing businesses and developers with a platform for building multimodal applications on the cloud, including neural search and generative AI," sponsored Prompts Daily on Apr. 8.
  • Tastytrade, "we give you every edge possible to help you succeed on your own," sponsored Morning Brew on Apr. 8.
  • Provenir, which "helps fintechs and financial services providers make smarter decisions faster with our AI-Powered Risk Decisioning Platform," sponsored Fintech Takes on Apr. 8.
  • Kraken, "the trusted and secure digital asset exchange, is on a mission to accelerate the adoption of cryptocurrency so that you and the rest of the world can achieve financial freedom and inclusion," sponsored Bankless: Daily Crypto Brief on Apr. 7.
  • Beanstox, "Automate your wealth!" sponsored Visual Capitalist on Apr. 8.
  • Remi (Custom Night Guards), "a direct-to-consumer company focused on offering sleep and wellness related products that elevate customer's well-being," sponsored Moby on Apr. 7.
  • Mood Media, whose "solutions make every shopping and guest experience more personal and more engaging," sponsored Industry Dive: Banking Dive on Apr. 7.
  • Likewise, which "provides personalized recommendations for TV, movies, books, and podcasts, based on your unique interests and tastes," sponsored RocaNews: The Current on Apr. 7.
  • Topo Designs, "a backpack, bag, apparel and accessories company," sponsored Adventure Fix on Apr. 7.
  • Upway, a secondary market for e-bikes and scooters. They're a great fit for any general reach newsletter or audiences that are heavily concentrated in metropolitan areas. This is a great time to reach out with an angle on either commuting, recreation, or environmental responsibility.


Niche: Cooking
Profit: $12,709/mo from Mediavine display ads, Amazon Associates and 20+ other alternative affiliates
Asking Price: $584,597 at a 46X multiple using a 12-month average
  • Great traffic and revenue growth over the last two years with a new record of over 600K page views in March 2023
  • Good revenue distribution across two major sources and more than 20 affiliate programs
  • 800+ articles have already been published.
  • Content is well-written with strong EEAT signals like author bios showing certifications at the end of articles.
  • Strong backlink profile with links from many relevant and high-authority sites like EatThis.com, Eater.com, and Mashable
  • Weak social media presence and small email list
  • Based on my experience, transferring all affiliate accounts to a potential buyer will be a daunting task.
  • Buying guides don't have original photos showing experience with the featured products.
Easy Wins
  • To optimize the conversion rate, consider adding additional affiliate links to educational content and relocating the existing calls-to-action (CTAs) towards the beginning of the article.
  • Improve CTA's leading to digital products to improve the email signup rate.
  • Start building an email list that could be used in many ways to generate additional revenue.
  • An active Pinterest account in this niche could funnel significant traffic to the site.
This site caught my attention well before it was listed on the brokerage, thanks to its impressive appearance.
It's a remarkable success story in a saturated niche, as the owner attracted traffic through great content and a solid backlink profile.
Furthermore, they managed to secure 20+ affiliate deals across several major affiliate networks.
As for potential improvements, I suggest running an active Pinterest campaign to boost brand awareness and attract fresh traffic. Repurposing existing articles on a YouTube channel would be a good fit for this niche.
Additionally, newsletters are currently a trending marketing option, and developing one for this active niche could unlock numerous opportunities for additional revenue and growth.
Valued at $584,597. Though there are signs of seasonality with revenue peaks in November, the site is currently on a great growth trajectory. While the price may seem steep, it's worth noting that the site has the potential for further growth.
這個網站最近被公開出售,但它已經擁有一個讓人瞠目結舌的月收入!😲當然,像任何事情一樣,這個網站也有一些缺陷,例如社交媒體的存在感不足和email名單太小等等。但可以通過一些簡單的策略來克服這些問題,例如在文章中增加更多的聯盟行銷連結和改善 CTA,以提高電子郵件註冊率。🚀如果你正在尋找一個成功的網站,而且對廚房、飲食和健康這些話題感興趣,這個網站肯定是值得關注的!💰
Niche: Sports
Profit: $3,259/mo from Amazon Associates and niche affiliates
Asking Price: $133,570 at a 41X multiple using a 12-month average
  • Stable traffic over the last 24 months, currently at its peak during this sport's high season
  • Ranking for more than 15,000 keywords with just 40 total articles published
  • A decent backlink profile with links from sites like Wikihow.com, Techbullion.com, as well as several topically-related sites
  • Owner shows experience with products that are reviewed with original photos and his writing shows subject-matter expertise.
  • The website is solely monetized through affiliate commissions
  • Top 3 articles collectively get 44%+ traffic, top article at 20%+
Easy Wins
  • Add Ezoic display ads and work on reaching 50K sessions to qualify for Mediavine (it had 42K users in March).
  • Add comparison tables at the top of buying guides under Introduction section
  • Consider renegotiating deals with high-performing affiliate partners to secure better terms. In exchange, you may be able to offer customized calls-to-action (CTAs) in a sidebar.
  • Content hasn't been added in recent months. Publish more in-depth content on a consistent basis to increase traffic and topical authority.
This website presents an excellent opportunity for website flippers, as it has yet to incorporate display ads which could provide a considerable revenue boost.
Additionally, with only around 40 published articles to date, there is enormous potential for exploring hundreds of additional topics.
The existing content is well-written and thoroughly researched, and the website's stable traffic levels over the past two years serve as a testament to its quality.
If you have prior experience in this popular niche, it's worth taking a closer look at this site.
The website is priced at $133,570, which represents a 41X multiple over a monthly profit of $3,259 for the past 12 months. Considering the existence of several easy wins, the valuation appears to be reasonable.
An offer at 37-39X would close the deal.


Ideal Partner
Looking for newsletters aimed at the creator economy.
Minimum Subscribers
Wanted Category
Creators, Entrepreneurs, Online Business
Ideal Partner
Newsletters about current events, news, pop culture, or humor are good matches.
Minimum Subscribers
Wanted Category
Books, Humor, Legal, News, Pop Culture
Ideal Partner
I'd like to partner with a newsletter whose audience is ambitious and/or in need of guidance or a change in their life. A topic with any relation to career, entrepreneurial, personal, or relationship goals would be a good fit for my audience.
Minimum Subscribers
Wanted Category
Careers, Leadership, Productivity, Solopreneurs, Tech
Ideal Partner
Any that might be mutually beneficial!
Minimum Subscribers
Wanted Category
AI, Crypto, Entrepreneurs, Tech
Ideal Partner
Seeking newsletters that don't take themselves too seriously
Minimum Subscribers
Ideal Partner
Marketing and Public Relations related.
Minimum Subscribers
Wanted Category
Advertising, Branding, Digital Media, Email Marketing, Marketing
做個「跨界王」,讓你的電子報爆紅 有時候,想要讓自己的電子報被更多人知道,就需要多點創意和跨界合作的機會。如果你也想要進行跨界宣傳,那麼不妨考慮和【每周掘金】或【自由職業者周報】進行合作。只要回覆這封信件,就能和我聯繫,探討更多可能性喔!👋

Hope today's email makes you some money and raise your vibration way way way up :)
-miss aloha

How can I help? ↓

👋aloha :) 當自由職業者,哪裡都有機會!這裡有徵才、合作、經營的機會,通通獻給你!快快來看看,別讓你的機會從指間溜走!Unlock your miracle!
👋aloha :) 作為自由職業者,我們都希望能夠擁有自己的主人,並且不斷拓展自己的收入管道。本期付費電子報提供了許多機會,讓你挑戰自己,unlock your miracle!
👋aloha :) 想要成為自己的主人嗎?希望拓展你的收入管道嗎?本期電子報提供的是全新的自媒體創作者徵才計畫、Upwork高薪技能工作、最新品牌及電子報經營合作機會以及大放送的創作者獎助金活動!快來看看有哪些機會等著你吧!
aloha :) 感謝你訂閱本週的付費電子報。在這裡,我為你帶來了最新的遠距工作機會,Upwork Alerts以及付費代言機會。
aloha :) 感謝你訂閱本週的付費電子報。在這裡,我為你帶來了最新的遠距工作機會,Upwork Alerts,付費代言機會以及創作者獎助金等消息。
👋aloha :) 當自由職業者,哪裡都有機會!這裡有徵才、合作、經營的機會,通通獻給你!快快來看看,別讓你的機會從指間溜走!Unlock your miracle!
👋aloha :) 作為自由職業者,我們都希望能夠擁有自己的主人,並且不斷拓展自己的收入管道。本期付費電子報提供了許多機會,讓你挑戰自己,unlock your miracle!
👋aloha :) 想要成為自己的主人嗎?希望拓展你的收入管道嗎?本期電子報提供的是全新的自媒體創作者徵才計畫、Upwork高薪技能工作、最新品牌及電子報經營合作機會以及大放送的創作者獎助金活動!快來看看有哪些機會等著你吧!
aloha :) 感謝你訂閱本週的付費電子報。在這裡,我為你帶來了最新的遠距工作機會,Upwork Alerts以及付費代言機會。
aloha :) 感謝你訂閱本週的付費電子報。在這裡,我為你帶來了最新的遠距工作機會,Upwork Alerts,付費代言機會以及創作者獎助金等消息。
Google News 追蹤
現代社會跟以前不同了,人人都有一支手機,只要打開就可以獲得各種資訊。過去想要辦卡或是開戶就要跑一趟銀行,然而如今科技快速發展之下,金融App無聲無息地進到你生活中。但同樣的,每一家銀行都有自己的App時,我們又該如何選擇呢?(本文係由國泰世華銀行邀約) 今天我會用不同角度帶大家看這款國泰世華CUB
想要找兼職打工的時候該去哪裡找呢?這應該是不少想運用空閒時間打工,或是兼職的人的共同疑問。我最近發現一款超好用的 App ── Worky,直接省略繁瑣的履歷投遞和面試,只要透過 Worky 平台一鍵應徵,就能立即上工,利用時間增加收入,有效利用零碎時間賺錢
勞工是什麼? 那是一群出售自己勞力、腦力、時間,來換取生活保障的人。 日復一日的工作會透過基本薪資 買走我的夢想,我的人生 我只能被擠壓成雇主們用來蓋公司的一小塊磚頭。 磚頭不配擁有夢想。
我是同業異業合作開發師 我是各種傳媒劇本編劇 特別節目企劃 選角導演 運鏡導演 我是美女寫真攝影指導 幸福課程 fb 幸福教練黃老師 潮資訊媒體 同業異業合作開發師 🚀 同業異業合作開發師 - 開拓新市場的橋梁 🚀 妳是否在尋找新的商業合作機會? 作為一名
成為自由工作者,是許多人嚮往的生活方式,可以隨心所欲的決定工作時間、工作地點、和誰一起共識,告別了上班趕著打卡的日常。然而,自由工作者真的這麼自由嗎?如果想轉職為自由工作者,該如何開始接案?哪些特質或技能是必備的呢?自由工作者能做一輩子嗎?如何談到更高的案件報酬呢?   在成為自由工作者前,要做
Worky品牌的秘密:如何利用短時間兼職找工作,塑造未來職涯? 在當今快速變化的職場環境中,尋找工作的方式也在進行著革命性的變化。對許多人而言,兼職不再僅僅是一種經濟上的需求,而是職業發展的一部分。在這個背景下,Worky品牌透過其創新的產品和服務,為尋找短時間兼職工作的人們提供了新的機會。本文將
這篇文章討論了從找不到工作到成為自由工作者和內容行銷公司老闆的職涯歷程。 文章內容包括自由工作者的挑戰、穩定現金流的方法、開發客戶的有效途徑,以及接案的利與弊。歡迎訂閱、追蹤專題、打賞或留言分享討論!
為什麼決定成為自由工作者? 2010年的時候,我決定成為自由工作者在家接案,主要是因為那時的工作環境對設計師來說是不友善的。 對設計師來說在靈感還沒出現之前對老闆來說都不算產值的,因為需要一段思考期;在這段看起來沒什麼產值的時間裡,老闆就會覺得你沒有在做事。而當你一旦有了靈感之後,也不一定是在白
EP.1 人事撈履歷  We're Hiring.... 大缺工時代,幾乎所有的產業都在喊缺人,人事行政常見工作最多的就是撈履歷,約面試,這篇就先從招募的入門聊一聊,也許招募應該可以寫滿多篇的。
現代社會跟以前不同了,人人都有一支手機,只要打開就可以獲得各種資訊。過去想要辦卡或是開戶就要跑一趟銀行,然而如今科技快速發展之下,金融App無聲無息地進到你生活中。但同樣的,每一家銀行都有自己的App時,我們又該如何選擇呢?(本文係由國泰世華銀行邀約) 今天我會用不同角度帶大家看這款國泰世華CUB
想要找兼職打工的時候該去哪裡找呢?這應該是不少想運用空閒時間打工,或是兼職的人的共同疑問。我最近發現一款超好用的 App ── Worky,直接省略繁瑣的履歷投遞和面試,只要透過 Worky 平台一鍵應徵,就能立即上工,利用時間增加收入,有效利用零碎時間賺錢
勞工是什麼? 那是一群出售自己勞力、腦力、時間,來換取生活保障的人。 日復一日的工作會透過基本薪資 買走我的夢想,我的人生 我只能被擠壓成雇主們用來蓋公司的一小塊磚頭。 磚頭不配擁有夢想。
我是同業異業合作開發師 我是各種傳媒劇本編劇 特別節目企劃 選角導演 運鏡導演 我是美女寫真攝影指導 幸福課程 fb 幸福教練黃老師 潮資訊媒體 同業異業合作開發師 🚀 同業異業合作開發師 - 開拓新市場的橋梁 🚀 妳是否在尋找新的商業合作機會? 作為一名
成為自由工作者,是許多人嚮往的生活方式,可以隨心所欲的決定工作時間、工作地點、和誰一起共識,告別了上班趕著打卡的日常。然而,自由工作者真的這麼自由嗎?如果想轉職為自由工作者,該如何開始接案?哪些特質或技能是必備的呢?自由工作者能做一輩子嗎?如何談到更高的案件報酬呢?   在成為自由工作者前,要做
Worky品牌的秘密:如何利用短時間兼職找工作,塑造未來職涯? 在當今快速變化的職場環境中,尋找工作的方式也在進行著革命性的變化。對許多人而言,兼職不再僅僅是一種經濟上的需求,而是職業發展的一部分。在這個背景下,Worky品牌透過其創新的產品和服務,為尋找短時間兼職工作的人們提供了新的機會。本文將
這篇文章討論了從找不到工作到成為自由工作者和內容行銷公司老闆的職涯歷程。 文章內容包括自由工作者的挑戰、穩定現金流的方法、開發客戶的有效途徑,以及接案的利與弊。歡迎訂閱、追蹤專題、打賞或留言分享討論!
為什麼決定成為自由工作者? 2010年的時候,我決定成為自由工作者在家接案,主要是因為那時的工作環境對設計師來說是不友善的。 對設計師來說在靈感還沒出現之前對老闆來說都不算產值的,因為需要一段思考期;在這段看起來沒什麼產值的時間裡,老闆就會覺得你沒有在做事。而當你一旦有了靈感之後,也不一定是在白
EP.1 人事撈履歷  We're Hiring.... 大缺工時代,幾乎所有的產業都在喊缺人,人事行政常見工作最多的就是撈履歷,約面試,這篇就先從招募的入門聊一聊,也許招募應該可以寫滿多篇的。