America's Engagement in the Aisa Pacific by Secretary Clinton, 2010.10.28

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Now, the relationship between China and the United States is complex and of enormous consequence, and we are committed to getting it right.  Now, there are some in both countries who believe that China's interests and ours are fundamentally at odds.  They apply a zero-sum calculation to our relationship.  So whenever one of us succeeds, the other must fail.  But that is not our view.  In the 21st century, it is not in anyone's interest for the United States and China to see each other as adversaries.  So we are working together to chart a positive, cooperative, and comprehensive relationship for this new century.


There are also many in China who believe that the United States is bent on containing China, and I would simply point out that since the beginning of our diplomatic relations, China has experienced breathtaking growth and development.  And this is primarily due, of course, to the hard work of the Chinese people.  But U.S. policy has consistently, through Republican and Democratic administrations and congresses supported this goal since the 1970s.  And we do look forward to working closely with China, both bilaterally and through key institutions as it takes on a greater role, and at the same time, takes on more responsibility in regional and global affairs.  In the immediate future, we need to work together on a more effective approach to deal with North Korea's provocations to press them to rebuild ties with the South and to return to the Six-Party Talks. 


On Iran, we look to China to help ensure the effective implementation of global sanctions aimed at preventing Iran from pursuing its nuclear ambitions.  On military matters, we seek a deeper dialogue in an effort to build trust and establish rules of the road as our militaries operate in greater proximity.  On climate change, as the world's two largest emitters of greenhouse gases, w have a shared responsibility to produce tangible strategies that improve energy efficiency and advance global climate diplomacy.


On currency and trade, the United States seeks responsible policy adjustments that have been clearly articulated by Secretary Geithner and a better climate for American businesses, products, and intellectual property in China.  Looking beyond our governments, our two countries must work together to increase the number of students studying in each country.  And we have an initiative called 100000 Strong to promote that goal.  And on human rights, we seek a far-reaching dialogue that advances the protection of the universal rights of all people.  We will welcome President Hu Jintao to Washington in early 2011 for a state visit.  The United States is committed to making this visit a historic success.  And I look forward to meeting with my counterpart, State Councilor Dai Bingguo later this week to help prepare for that trip.


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