Watching and waiting for signs of leadership ■Taipei Times -- HoonTing 雲程(2008.12.25)

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本篇是作者投稿自由時報2008.12.15〈63年保台主軸 「您」在那裡?〉的翻譯,由Taipei Times的資深編輯EDDY CHANG翻譯而成。非常感謝!


Watching and waiting for signs of leadership  ■Taipei Times -- HoonTing 雲程(2008.12.25)
If we look at postwar Taiwan from the perspective of French historian Fernand Braudel, a leader of the Annales School, we can divine changes in the Taiwanese government’s administrative values — from security to economy, democracy and human rights — under former presidents Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石), Chiang Ching-kuo (蔣經國), Lee Teng-hui (李登輝) and Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁).

Developments in national security, the economy, democracy and human rights over the past 63 years can be summed up using the phrase “protection of Taiwan” to describe the government’s stance in the postwar era.

From an administrative perspective, survival is the priority of any organization, and if that premise is abandoned, the organization will cease to exist.
In other words, Taiwan will perish if the authorities do not protect it; protecting Taiwan thus becomes a basic and non-negotiable standard.
Because administration is the result of efforts by the general public, it cannot be monopolized by a single authority or person.
Every government has stood on the shoulder of its predecessor without destroying the fruits of the labors of that predecessor.
Thus, in Taiwan’s development, the younger Chiang was able to boost the economy thanks to the security structures built by his father; Lee was able to promote democracy thanks to the younger Chiang’s efforts; and Chen was able to promote human rights thanks to Lee’s efforts.
In accordance with the domestic and international environment at the time, the governments of postwar Taiwan gradually reached a tacit agreement to protect the country that crossed party and ethnic lines.
But after coming to power, has President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) government taken stock of the domestic and international environment and planned for and unveiled its values of governance?
Ma’s inaugural speech, entitled “Taiwan’s Renaissance,” and his pledges to rebuild Taiwan, safeguard the Constitution and improve the political atmosphere were either too vague or too general, not to mention that the “common Chinese heritage” of Taiwan and China that he emphasized can hardly be called a universal value.

In Ma’s speeches, only the values of “peace” and “opening” can be thought of as administrative. Unfortunately, his actions since then imply that he is overly optimistic about peace even as he ignores the logic of geopolitics.
In contrast to his policy of opening up to China, he has adopted a contractionary policy domestically. Within a very short time, Taiwan’s security, economy, democracy and human rights have gone into reverse gear, resulting in serious concern in the international community.
Take, for example, Ma’s hesitation over whether Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait Chairman Chen Yunlin (陳雲林) should address him as “President,” “Mister” or even nin (您), the polite Chinese form of “you,” during their meeting.
Such hesitation reveals both a wish to curry favor and a wish to quickly push his policies through.
What are Ma’s administrative values?
Has he really thought about them and does he want to implement them?
The Taiwanese public and the international community are still watching, and waiting.
HoonTing is a Taiwan-based freelance writer.

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    今天本獾去配新眼鏡。 店員阿弟啊很親切,配到最後需確認鏡片瞳孔位置,阿弟啊叫我戴著眼鏡看他的瞳孔,一次左邊一次右邊。 說實在近距離跟一個陌生人四目相對,而且還是看著他的瞳孔,令人有些尷尬害羞… 還有點同情阿弟啊做這份工作得要跟不同陌生人近距離對看還不能笑場實在辛苦。 確認好後,阿弟啊繼續再跟本獾確認
    「嗯 . . 早安。」淺朱色的嘴唇微笑著對窗台說。 Odelette 俯身拾起便鞋,鑲著金綠色寶石髮簪平躺在白蠟木梳妝台,她隨性盤起頭髮後便往浴室走去。
    有一天 當你在一天的辛勤工作回到家後 進到浴室站在蓮蓬頭下 由上到下的水柱,從頭到腳 洗褪一天的疲憊感 擦乾身體上殘留的水珠來到床上 你意興闌珊的 享受這睡前的悠閒時光 開啟床頭旁的小夜燈 在床上找了個舒服的姿勢 準備在睡覺前輕鬆地滑著手機 此時,屏幕內有個人很吸引你 『他』身處在一個燈光昏暗的小