聞香:糖蜜、淡淡花香、香氣輕盈、舒服。讓你一直想聞下去 XD
入口:相當明亮! 糖蜜還是主調,伴隨香草及微微木質調辛香。滴水後甜感稍微提升,黑糖韻味。
這支真的有趣~ 很重聞香,品飲相對單調但有的味道都很討喜。有趣的是竟然完全沒什麼波本標配的熱帶水果香 & 奶油。可能也是因為這樣所以很適合玩各種過桶吧~
Node: molasses, floral, light vallina. Not much tropical fruits that is typically with Bourbon barrel.
Taste: Bright & vibrant, molasses, light oak spice. Drop of water brings a bit more brown sugar sweetness.
Finish: medium-long, warm wood notes with a hint of spice. Beautiful!
This cask focuses on the nose. Kept you wanting to smell more. Taste is reather straight forward sweet and vibrant! Finishes with light spice warmth.