安涅絲.芭露吉(Agnese Baruxzi)-推拉滑板拼繪本
安涅絲.芭露吉 (Agnese Baruzzi)
畢業於義大利烏爾比諾工藝美術高等學院(Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche)平面設計系。父母是字型設計師與圖書館員,從小在書堆中成長,非常愛書。自2001年起開始創作兒童繪本,已繪製超過40本童書,作品跟英國、葡萄牙、法國、美國、韓國、日本的多家出版社合作。擅用圖像創意,搭配鮮明線條與色彩,吸引孩子目光。多次在學校及圖書館舉辦工作坊,帶領兒童和成人一起體驗創作樂趣。現在是一位自由插畫家,住在義大利波隆那近郊,在家中花園的小木屋裡繼續創作兒童讀物。
Agnese Baruzzi was born in 1980 and graduated in Graphic Design at ISIA in Urbino. She has worked as an illustrator and author since 2001, writing more than 40 children's books that have been published in Italy, United Kingdom, Japan, United States, France, and China. She holds workshops for children and adults in schools and libraries and provides illustrations for agencies, graphic art studios and publishers.
Agnese Baruzzi's books include Where Do You Poop?, Trap the Monster, and Look, Look Again. She also is the illustrator for Innovative Kids titles, including Just Like My Mommy.
Age 1-4 is the key time for the correct development of baby fingers and hands. So this special series of books with its easy-to-move sliders can make small hands exercise and move fully and small fingers can push, pull and slide having a lot of fun seeing the images change and finding the appropriate position for all the sliding pieces. The design of the sliders adds “motion” to the static book and the picture moves to make reading a pure funny and surprising experience. Nice, modern illustration style and funny and useful bilingual rhyming texts are for play and learn.
安涅絲.芭露吉(Agnese Baruxzi)-太空大探險(Outer Space)
Between the ages of 1 and 4, young children are refining their fine motor skills, and the easy-to-push and pull sliding mechanisms in this series are perfect for exercising their little hands and fingers.
They will love seeing the pictures change as they swoosh the slider into the correct position.
The special design of the moving tabs brings the book to life in their hands and turns the transforming scene into an exciting, interactive experience.
Featuring appealing contemporary illustrations and informative rhyming text, these books are for both learning and play!
安涅絲.芭露吉(Agnese Baruxzi)-海洋總動員(Sea Creatures)
Between the ages of 1 and 4, young children are refining their fine motor skills, and the easy-to-push and pull sliding mechanisms in this series are perfect for exercising their little hands and fingers.
They will love seeing the pictures change as they swoosh the slider into the correct position.
The special design of the moving tabs brings the book to life in their hands and turns the transforming scene into an exciting, interactive experience.
Featuring appealing contemporary illustrations and informative rhyming text, these books are for both learning and play!
安涅絲.芭露吉(Agnese Baruxzi)-交通大驚奇(Vehicles)
This board book offers an interactive way for young children to learn about vehicles, including bikes, cars, and helicopters.
安涅絲.芭露吉(Agnese Baruxzi)-在花園裡(In The Garden)
Slide the tabs and discover the animals and insects that live in your garden!
看過很多翻翻書和推拉書,第一次看到的繪本是將推拉機關推到正確位置的方式,讓孩童除了推拉以外,還要判斷圖片是否在正確的位置,比較可惜的是只有"在花園裡(In The Garden)"的書籍沒有中文版本,不然我也想要認識花園裡的動物有哪些,這是一本結合玩具推拉機關和翻翻書概念的書籍,喜歡翻翻書和推拉書繪本的家長,這是一本不容錯過的書籍可以推薦給你