安涅絲.巴魯吉(Agnese Baruzzi)-怪獸翻翻書
What do hungry monsters like to eat? 1 spider swallowed whole, 2 leaping frogs, and 3 entire whales for the ogre with gigantic claws and scales! And for Mr. One-Eye, four mice are very nice. Kids will enjoy this fun feast of a counting book, with 10 colorful creatures and their meals of grasshoppers, scorpions, owls, and prickly porcupines. Foldout pages and simple, humorous rhyming text make this a delight to read aloud.
A mushroom I seem—and oh, so mild / But an OGRE I am—and oh, so wild! Beware of what you think you see; in this innovative book, you can’t trust your eyes. Every page contains a moving piece, and when you spin it around, the world turns topsy-turvy. Suddenly, innocent objects—like a boat, tree, and sandwich—transform into funny, colorful monsters. Children will have tons of fun discovering what lurks beneath Agnese Baruzzi’s delightful drawings.
With double gatefolds on every spread, this engaging book invites small children to learn about animals, the food chain, and nature. At first glance, each picture seems to show only a single creature preparing to make a meal of something smaller—like a big fish ready to swallow a smaller one. But open the gatefold and you’ll see . . . a shark swimming toward the big fish. “I’m going to eat you!” it says. Fun, interactive illustrations that kids will love.
安涅絲.巴魯吉-Topsy Turvy Monsters
Welcome, children, one and all! Meet some monsters, short and tall. Hidden on the pages, what a scare! Leaf through them and see who's there. Turn the pages upside down look up, look down, look around: rotate everything you find what a mess! But don't you mind. Brave enough to read this book? If you're ready, take a look. Beware, don't read it alone at night or else you may just get a fright.
安涅絲.巴魯吉-The Return Of Topsy Turvy Monsters
Dear young reader, are you ready to go on a trip? Leave behind your fear and follow these useful tips! Many everyday objects hide exceptional monster, their revolting aspects reveal they're imposters! Ten are hiding upside-down in this book on its pages, look for them wherever you can to find their hiding places!
安涅絲.巴魯吉-Hungry, Hungry Monsters
What do hungry monsters like to eat? 1 spider swallowed whole, 2 leaping frogs, and 3 entire whales for the ogre with gigantic claws and scales! And for Mr. One-Eye, four mice are very nice. Kids will enjoy this fun feast of a counting book, with 10 colorful creatures and their meals of grasshoppers, scorpions, owls, and prickly porcupines. Foldout pages and simple, humorous rhyming text make this a delight to read aloud.
這是安涅絲.巴魯吉(Agnese Baruzzi)繪製有關於怪獸的繪本,第三本“我要吃掉你”就不是怪獸系列,但跟第一本“和怪獸一起吃午餐”一樣是可以拉開頁面的繪本,所以就放入介紹,同樣是拉開頁面的繪本還有第六本“Hungry, Hungry Monsters”,我滿喜歡拉開頁面後,將原本的認知做另一個轉換,讓孩童知道很多時候看到的未必就是事實
而第二本“怪獸躲貓貓”、第四本“Topsy Turvy Monsters”、第五本“The Return Of Topsy Turvy Monsters”的繪本,是透過機關轉動後才能發現另有洞天的設計,還孩童在看繪本的時候,可以專注力更加穩定一同看繪本,一邊閱讀一邊期待有什麼神奇的內容會發生