為自己聽~"Don't invest your savings, do this instead/3rd Sep

2023/09/04閱讀時間約 5 分鐘
the morning after a typhoon day

the morning after a typhoon day

This youtuber has interviewed dozens of millionaires, some of whom are very young, and concluded five tips for the audience. Frankly speaking, some tips seems cliches, for I’ve been educated to a hardworking student, employer and everlasting learner for life; however, it’s not easy to ignore them even though they sound unoriginal.


Tip 1: Invest your time first

Invest time in improving ability, skill, etc.  Invest our savings can bring passive income, but it usually goes with risks.Most of us are not Warren Buffet, having such precise insight of the stock market.  Building ourselves with better skills and abilities in work can bring more.

Tip2: Find work at a startup

Work at a starter company which probably has 3 or 4 employees, and this will give us a whole vision how a company runs.  If we work at a big company with thousands of employees, we would be responsible for a limited part of work.  Our vision would probably be confined, and this is not good for starting a business, which is considered to be Fastlane to wealth.

Tip3: Take the third door

It says career, life, success, etc. are something like entering the night club.  Most people buy tickets and queue in line, and this is the first door; the second door is for the celebrities and the rich.  There must be the third door if we are really dying for enjoying the vibe of the club.  We may knock on the door 100 times; Wu may sneak into through the kitchen; we may get into through the window.  Bill Gates and Steven Spielberg created their own third door. 

Tip4: Everything’s the downstream of lead generation.

If we want to see your products, we need to generate a signal of interest from the market.We may provide people with introduction of the investment market, and that’s to say, we generate their interest for further financial plans.  First time founders build up products; Second time founders build up distribution.   

Tip5: Extraordinary effects require extraordinary efforts.

That’s the cliché but most of us fail to make efforts, far beyond extraordinary efforts.We probably know we should make more efforts to achieve what we want; however, we tend to be easy with our bodies, and comfort ourselves that the present life is also fine and beautiful.

