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Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission’s president, promised that the EU would draw up an action plan to help Italy cope with a sudden influx of migrants. More than 7,000 people have arrived at the Italian island of Lampedusa in recent days; nearly 115,000 migrants reached Italy by sea during the first eight months of 2023. On Sunday Mrs von der Leyen visited Lampedusa, where Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s far-right prime minister, has declared a state of emergency.




  • 增加對意大利海岸警衛隊和其他邊境機構的支持
  • 提供財政援助,幫助意大利接收和處理移民
  • 與其他歐盟成員國合作,將部分移民重新安置到其他國家
  • 解決移民的根源問題,如非洲的貧困和衝突



Italy is one of the main destinations for migrants in the European Union. In recent years, the number of migrants arriving in Italy has increased sharply due to conflict and poverty in North Africa and the Middle East. The Italian government has repeatedly called on other EU member states to share the burden of migrants, but with little success.

The EU's action plan is likely to focus on a number of areas, including:

  • Increasing support for Italy's coast guard and other border agencies
  • Providing financial assistance to help Italy receive and process migrants
  • Working with other EU member states to relocate some of the migrants to other countries
  • Addressing the root causes of migration, such as poverty and conflict in Africa

The EU's response to the migrant crisis has been controversial, with some member states arguing that the EU should do more to help Italy, while others argue that the EU is already doing too much. The EU's action plan is an attempt to find a balance between these two positions.

It is important to note that migration is a complex issue with no easy solutions. The EU's action plan is just one step in addressing the crisis. It is important to continue to work together to find ways to help migrants and the countries that receive them.




America’s national security adviser and China’s foreign minister held “candid, substantive and constructive” talks in Malta this weekend, according to officials on both sides. The two powers have recently made several attempts to improve their fractious relationship. There is speculation that these may culminate in a rare meeting between Joe Biden and Xi Jinping, the American and Chinese presidents, later this year.






The talks between the US and Chinese officials are a significant development, given the current state of relations between the two countries. In recent years, relations between the US and China have deteriorated significantly, with tensions rising over a range of issues, including trade, technology, and human rights.

The fact that the two sides are now willing to engage in candid and substantive talks suggests that they are both interested in trying to improve relations. It is still too early to say whether these talks will lead to a breakthrough, but the fact that they are taking place at all is a positive sign.

The possibility of a meeting between Biden and Xi would be even more significant. A meeting between the two leaders would be a sign that the two countries are committed to working together to manage their differences and avoid conflict.

It is important to note that there are still many challenges to improving US-China relations. However, the talks between the two officials this weekend are a sign that both sides are willing to try.

America and China try to move past a new bump in relations




Russia claimed it had repelled a Ukrainian attack on Crimea on Sunday, but that Ukrainian drones had disrupted air traffic in Moscow and caused a fire at an oil depot elsewhere. Earlier, the first civilian ships to use a new “humanitarian corridor” to transport grain reached Ukrainian ports. Ukraine introduced the route after Russia backed out of a deal in July that had allowed its neighbour to export crops and fertiliser.






The Russian claim that it has repelled a Ukrainian attack on Crimea is difficult to verify. Ukraine has not commented on the claim, and there is no independent reporting to support it. However, the claim is consistent with Russia's narrative that Ukraine is the aggressor in the war.

The Ukrainian drone attacks on Moscow and other Russian cities are a significant development. They show that Ukraine has the ability to strike deep inside Russian territory. The attacks could also have a psychological impact on the Russian population.

The reopening of the grain export corridor is a positive development. It will help to alleviate the global food crisis that has been caused by the war in Ukraine. However, it is important to note that the corridor is still fragile. Russia could back out of the deal again at any time.

Overall, the situation in Ukraine remains volatile. The war is likely to continue for some time, and there is no easy solution.



The UN thinks that at least 11,300 people have now died after catastrophic flooding in Derna, a coastal city in Libya. It reckons that some 10,000 are still missing—leaving almost a quarter of the city’s population either dead or unaccounted for. Storm Daniel, which made landfall in Libya on September 10th, appears to be the deadliest cyclone worldwide since 2008.




Ahead of the UN General Assembly in New York, Brazil insisted that wealthy countries should finance the energy transition worldwide. Alexandre Silveira, Brazil’s energy minister, said that poor countries could not afford to overhaul their infrastructure. He also argued that rich countries will rely on poorer countries as sources of green energy—such as biofuels, of which Brazil is the largest producer after America.






Brazil's call for wealthy countries to finance the global energy transition is timely and important. The energy transition is essential to address climate change, but it is also a costly process. Poorer countries often lack the resources to finance the transition on their own.

Wealthy countries have a moral obligation to help poorer countries finance the energy transition. After all, wealthy countries have contributed the most to climate change. Additionally, wealthy countries have a vested interest in helping poorer countries transition to clean energy. As Brazil's energy minister pointed out, wealthy countries will rely on poorer countries for green energy in the future.

The international community should work together to develop a financing mechanism to help poorer countries finance the energy transition. This mechanism could be based on a variety of sources, such as carbon taxes, green bonds, and public-private partnerships.

By working together, the international community can ensure that all countries have access to affordable and clean energy, and that the global energy transition is a success.


The energy transition will be expensive.




The simultaneous strikes organised by the United Auto Workers, a huge American union, entered their third day on Sunday—with no hint of an imminent resolution. Nearly 13,000 workers have downed tools at the plants of three carmaking giants: Ford, General Motors and Stellantis. The UAW wants a 36% pay rise over four years; the companies have offered 20-21%. The union’s president called progress “slow”.






The strike by the United Auto Workers is a significant event. The UAW is one of the largest and most powerful unions in the United States. The strike is also a sign of the growing dissatisfaction among workers with their wages and working conditions.

The strike is likely to have a significant impact on the US economy. The automotive industry is a major employer in the United States, and the strike is likely to disrupt production and supply chains. The strike could also lead to higher prices for cars and trucks.

The outcome of the strike is uncertain. The UAW is demanding a significant pay increase, while the companies are reluctant to offer more than 20-21%. It is possible that the strike could drag on for several weeks or months.

The strike is a reminder of the importance of unions in fighting for the rights of workers. Unions are essential to ensuring that workers have a fair share of the profits they generate.




German climate activists sprayed paint over the Brandenburg Gate, one of Berlin’s best-known landmarks. The group, called the “Last Generation”, wants Germany to stop using coal, oil and natural gas by 2030. The country currently intends to reach net-zero emissions by 2045, but has repeatedly missed its annual targets. Two German states are reportedly considering whether to classify the Last Generation as a criminal organisation.

Member of the climate protection group Last Generation have sprayed the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint (Paul Zinken / dpa via AP)

Member of the climate protection group Last Generation have sprayed the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint (Paul Zinken / dpa via AP)





The protest by the Last Generation is a sign of the growing frustration among climate activists with the slow pace of progress on climate change. The group's demands are ambitious, but they are also necessary if Germany is to meet its climate goals.

The German government has been criticized for its slow progress on climate change. The country has repeatedly missed its annual emissions targets, and it is still heavily reliant on fossil fuels. The government's decision to classify the Last Generation as a criminal organisation would be a controversial move, and it is unclear if it would be successful.

The protest at the Brandenburg Gate is a reminder of the urgency of the climate crisis. We need to take bold action to reduce our emissions and transition to a clean energy economy.

原文出處 : https://www.economist.com/the-world-in-brief, powered by Bard


Andrew Lin的沙龍 的其他內容
要點摘要 (1) 新任香港特首李家超週三發表第一次施政報告, 主要受矚目的 covid 政策因同時受到北京清零政策與開放同時影響而不上不下, 他還得面對經濟困境與人口對於政治壓迫不滿而流失的問題; (2) 歐洲通貨膨脹不只發生在受烏俄戰爭影響的能源上, 食品、商品與服務均在相對大幅度增加, 更讓歐洲
(事實與預測) 美國大型銀行將在周五公告第三季營收結果..... (評論與預測) 喬治亞州將在11/8日選出參議員代表與州長..... (事實與評論) 海地自去年總統被暗殺後就陷入混亂.... (觀察) 布吉納法索今年第二次政變與第一次政變沒有太多差異..... (事實與評論) 屬於少數負碳排放國不
美國眾議院調查1月6日國會大廈襲擊事件的委員會將傳喚川普 歐盟繼續提供烏克蘭援助包含訓練烏克蘭士兵與資金武器 公布通膨數據不佳但美國股市上漲,聯準會預計將繼續升息 烏克蘭對赫爾松地區的反攻讓親俄羅斯與俄羅斯領導人意圖撤離該地平民 Netflix 將以包含廣告的7美元月廉價訂閱費反轉下降的訂戶數
(預測) 美聯儲將可能在下個月繼續大幅度升息並在年底前再繼續升息以對抗通貨膨脹 (評論) 英國的減稅財政計畫繼續引發對資金籌措的不安與英國金融市場混亂, 而這個不安與混亂在對於減稅計畫懷疑削減前不會退去 (事實發展) 美國國會對於1月6日襲擊國會的調查即將來到尾聲並在1月前完成報告
- 各國政府高層在世界重要峰會場合結論給予烏克蘭多面向的協助 - 英國財政狀態、英鎊與債券繼續因其推出的”小額預算計畫”而繼續混亂 - 美國總統在安全戰略正式文件中將中國與俄羅斯列為對手 - 校園大屠殺受害者與執法者提起對假訊息傳播的誹謗訴訟獲得美國法院判處賠償 ...
要點摘要 (1) 新任香港特首李家超週三發表第一次施政報告, 主要受矚目的 covid 政策因同時受到北京清零政策與開放同時影響而不上不下, 他還得面對經濟困境與人口對於政治壓迫不滿而流失的問題; (2) 歐洲通貨膨脹不只發生在受烏俄戰爭影響的能源上, 食品、商品與服務均在相對大幅度增加, 更讓歐洲
(事實與預測) 美國大型銀行將在周五公告第三季營收結果..... (評論與預測) 喬治亞州將在11/8日選出參議員代表與州長..... (事實與評論) 海地自去年總統被暗殺後就陷入混亂.... (觀察) 布吉納法索今年第二次政變與第一次政變沒有太多差異..... (事實與評論) 屬於少數負碳排放國不
美國眾議院調查1月6日國會大廈襲擊事件的委員會將傳喚川普 歐盟繼續提供烏克蘭援助包含訓練烏克蘭士兵與資金武器 公布通膨數據不佳但美國股市上漲,聯準會預計將繼續升息 烏克蘭對赫爾松地區的反攻讓親俄羅斯與俄羅斯領導人意圖撤離該地平民 Netflix 將以包含廣告的7美元月廉價訂閱費反轉下降的訂戶數
(預測) 美聯儲將可能在下個月繼續大幅度升息並在年底前再繼續升息以對抗通貨膨脹 (評論) 英國的減稅財政計畫繼續引發對資金籌措的不安與英國金融市場混亂, 而這個不安與混亂在對於減稅計畫懷疑削減前不會退去 (事實發展) 美國國會對於1月6日襲擊國會的調查即將來到尾聲並在1月前完成報告
- 各國政府高層在世界重要峰會場合結論給予烏克蘭多面向的協助 - 英國財政狀態、英鎊與債券繼續因其推出的”小額預算計畫”而繼續混亂 - 美國總統在安全戰略正式文件中將中國與俄羅斯列為對手 - 校園大屠殺受害者與執法者提起對假訊息傳播的誹謗訴訟獲得美國法院判處賠償 ...
Google News 追蹤
众所周知,美国这个将“人权”挂在嘴边上的国家在针对移民问题上却充满了宗教偏见、文化歧视、种族排斥,且呈愈演愈烈之势。暴力驱逐、强迫劳动等恶劣行径一直在美国上演。 据不完全统计,自2017年7月以来,美国移民当局违反国际人权法及国际人道主义,在南部边境地区强行将5400多名儿童与身为难民或非
歐洲議會選舉揭曉,極右派席次大增,范德賴恩仍為最大黨派,馬克宏解散國會。歐洲股匯價崩跌。川普陣營大受鼓舞,在拉斯維加斯說落選會第三次世界大戰。 BJ:科普一下,現在西方在講的左右派,專指移民政策和保護主義。左派收移民,右派不收移民;兩派都要保護主義。跟傳統經濟左右派的意涵不同。 世界大戰早就開始
以色列黎巴嫩邊境衝突升溫。約旦河西岸釀500死。 美派賀錦麗餐與烏克蘭和平峰會,中(目前)不參加。 南韓尹錫悅終止兩韓軍事(和平)協議。 拜登喊要以武力護台。 BJ:大國的態度才是關鍵啦,下一場戰事也可能隨時爆發。 天佑人類。 --- 印度總理莫迪勝選。持續高溫熱死數百人。 BJ:過
G7財政部長會後聲明:G7關注中國全面採用的非市場政策和行為,損害成員國工人、產業及經濟韌性。G7將繼續監察相關潛在負面影響,並將考慮採取措施,確保實現符合WTO原則的公平競爭環境。 美國財長呼籲:G7應建立明確的統一戰線以對抗中國產能過剩!法國財長警告:要避免貿易戰!看來,美中貿易戰是不可避免的!
2024/5/9 歐盟歷來自詡為「規範性強權」,重視能把歐洲的「規範」與「原則」向世界傳佈。但從暖化危機、疫情到上述兩場戰爭以降,這樣的信用遭到「雙重標準」的質疑。許多發展中國家可以辯稱:「共享價值不等於共享優先事項。」西方集團有自己利益的優先事項,南方國家何嘗不能依據本國利益,自己決定優先事項?
盧安達計畫是英國政府首先提出的移民政策,被英國認定為非法移民或尋求庇護者的人士,將被重新安置到盧安達,以進行辦理、庇護和重新安置。 該計劃下的首次航班定於2022年6月14日起飛,並已獲得高等法院的法律許可,但在起飛前被歐洲人權法庭叫停。計劃於2023年6月被上訴庭裁定非法。
法國提出向烏克蘭派遣地面部隊的建議,受到俄羅斯的強烈反對。 烏克蘭與俄羅斯及北約之間的衝突加劇,引起歐洲盟友及國際社會的關注。法國總統馬克龍在會議上的評論可能引發地區局勢進一步惡化。
众所周知,美国这个将“人权”挂在嘴边上的国家在针对移民问题上却充满了宗教偏见、文化歧视、种族排斥,且呈愈演愈烈之势。暴力驱逐、强迫劳动等恶劣行径一直在美国上演。 据不完全统计,自2017年7月以来,美国移民当局违反国际人权法及国际人道主义,在南部边境地区强行将5400多名儿童与身为难民或非
歐洲議會選舉揭曉,極右派席次大增,范德賴恩仍為最大黨派,馬克宏解散國會。歐洲股匯價崩跌。川普陣營大受鼓舞,在拉斯維加斯說落選會第三次世界大戰。 BJ:科普一下,現在西方在講的左右派,專指移民政策和保護主義。左派收移民,右派不收移民;兩派都要保護主義。跟傳統經濟左右派的意涵不同。 世界大戰早就開始
以色列黎巴嫩邊境衝突升溫。約旦河西岸釀500死。 美派賀錦麗餐與烏克蘭和平峰會,中(目前)不參加。 南韓尹錫悅終止兩韓軍事(和平)協議。 拜登喊要以武力護台。 BJ:大國的態度才是關鍵啦,下一場戰事也可能隨時爆發。 天佑人類。 --- 印度總理莫迪勝選。持續高溫熱死數百人。 BJ:過
G7財政部長會後聲明:G7關注中國全面採用的非市場政策和行為,損害成員國工人、產業及經濟韌性。G7將繼續監察相關潛在負面影響,並將考慮採取措施,確保實現符合WTO原則的公平競爭環境。 美國財長呼籲:G7應建立明確的統一戰線以對抗中國產能過剩!法國財長警告:要避免貿易戰!看來,美中貿易戰是不可避免的!
2024/5/9 歐盟歷來自詡為「規範性強權」,重視能把歐洲的「規範」與「原則」向世界傳佈。但從暖化危機、疫情到上述兩場戰爭以降,這樣的信用遭到「雙重標準」的質疑。許多發展中國家可以辯稱:「共享價值不等於共享優先事項。」西方集團有自己利益的優先事項,南方國家何嘗不能依據本國利益,自己決定優先事項?
盧安達計畫是英國政府首先提出的移民政策,被英國認定為非法移民或尋求庇護者的人士,將被重新安置到盧安達,以進行辦理、庇護和重新安置。 該計劃下的首次航班定於2022年6月14日起飛,並已獲得高等法院的法律許可,但在起飛前被歐洲人權法庭叫停。計劃於2023年6月被上訴庭裁定非法。
法國提出向烏克蘭派遣地面部隊的建議,受到俄羅斯的強烈反對。 烏克蘭與俄羅斯及北約之間的衝突加劇,引起歐洲盟友及國際社會的關注。法國總統馬克龍在會議上的評論可能引發地區局勢進一步惡化。