The European Central Bank is done raising interest rates. That is the conclusion of markets from recent economic data and statements by the bank which indicated that rates are high enough. A release on Friday of euro-zone inflation data may confirm that assessment.
Economic activity continues to decline, and so does inflation. The purchasing managers’ index for September showed that the euro-zone economy remains in recession, albeit not as strongly as in August. Inflation data from Spain, which has not suffered as much as other economies, suggests that the current slight increase in energy prices is only pushing inflation up a little. Data from Germany suggests that the rate of inflation is falling fast, to now just 4.3%, as energy and transport price-subsidies from last summer drop out of the index. But that is still double the ECB target of about 2%. By the time inflation comes back down to that level, the euro zone may be deep in recession.
It is concerning that the European economy is heading for a hard landing. This is due to a number of factors, including the war in Ukraine, high energy prices, and rising interest rates.
The ECB's decision to stop raising interest rates is a sign that the bank is concerned about the economic outlook. However, it is unclear whether this will be enough to prevent a recession.
It is important to note that the European economy is not a monolith. Some countries, such as Germany, are more exposed to the risks of a recession than others. However, all countries in the euro zone are likely to experience some degree of economic slowdown.
Governments and central banks should take steps to mitigate the impact of a recession. This could include providing financial assistance to businesses and households, and investing in infrastructure and education.
Sources: https://www.economist.com/the-world-in-brief
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