Crookshanks(異國短毛貓) 眼睛感染和手術 (Scroll down for English version)





' 糟糕了.......這可能會很變得很差,請經常給他滴眼藥水,並在 1 週後回來“

到了此時,我們都開始擔心他需要動手術。在與另一位寵物主人交談後,我們決定加入 SPCA (香港愛護動物協會),希望可以合理的價格獲得優質的醫療保健(我們心理上覺得SPCA相當於寵物的公共醫療保健?)

還好, SPCA的獸醫經仔細檢查後判斷傻貓眼睛的潰瘍已停止感染。唯一不能完全復原的就是潰瘍做成的小洞,但已沒有風險了。我們為加入 SPCA 的偉大決定而感到慶幸,當傻貓需要洗牙(並為此接受全身麻醉)以及當他們在幫傻貓麻醉抽血時偶然發現的高鈣血症(高鈣)時,可以立刻跟進治療。




Auntie Izzie 帶傻貓去看獸醫時診斷出他患有角膜潰瘍,需要滴眼藥水、口服止痛藥以及要戴頸圈。這時,我們想 “怎麼又潰瘍了?!”經過一番研究,我們發現異國短毛貓有扁平的臉和大眼睛,因此容易出現刮痕和潰瘍等眼部疾病。

1週後,Auntie Izzie帶傻貓去了SPCA。那裡的獸醫診斷後告訴我們“原來的傷口看起來正在癒合,但又出現了角膜潰瘍,而且鼓了起來,恐怕會破裂”


SPCA 獸醫問我們是否要繼續滴眼藥水,然後觀察潰瘍處可否自行痊癒,或直接去找眼科專家。我們非常驚訝,因為我們一向以為 SPCA 相當於寵物的公共醫療保健,因此會有眼科專家。但原來全香港只有一位貓眼專科醫生,而且還是私人執業!我們不想再拖延下去因此決定去看專家。天哪,養貓的費用突然變得比我們預想的要貴得多!

我們緊急預約了VSH 的專家,醫生處方了需要每小時滴的眼藥水(費用:3950 港元)。是每小時呀!幸運的是,我們家的傭人很快便掌握了滴眼藥水的技巧。但也有個缺點:她還有一個小孩要全職照顧,所以她不能總是記得每小時都準時用藥+她必須一直讓一個過於熱心的 小蕃薯 遠離傻貓(這個任務非常困難,因為 小蕃薯是個 非常快並且活躍的男孩!)……..然後過幾天便碰到打10號颱風,眼藥水就快用完了!


難道他的血清是來自捐血(竟然有如此慷慨的寵物和寵物主人!)?這瓶藥的售價為 380 港元。考慮到藥物的價錢,蕃薯媽媽認為這有可能是提煉自捐出來的血......

話說回來,在覆診時,獸醫說潰瘍已經癒合,但建議對粉紅色隆起的肉瘤進行手術,因為肉瘤影響了大部分淚液的產生。顯然,這種粉紅色的凸物起被稱為櫻桃眼,這意味著他的第三眼瞼腺突出並且在異國短毛貓中很常見(有趣的事實:貓比我們多1 個眼瞼.... .. 3個!)











我們研究完後才突然意識到年齡限制有問題,傻貓的最後一次承保年齡據說是8歲,這是大多數寵物保險計劃的年齡限制! OneDegree Pawfect Care 似乎對這兩者都是最慷慨的。然而,當我們必須回答他動過手術時,保費又會是多少呢?

Crookshanks' eye infection and surgery

It all started a few years ago when Dad’s brother came to visit his nephew (R).

 “Why does Crookshanks have a hole in his eye?!”, he asked.

 Lo & behold, he was right!  We saw a tiny black hole in his eye!  We felt somewhat guilty that as busy toddler parents, we had overlooked our very eldest “son”’s eyes.

 We took him to the vet opposite us, who examined his eyes & muttered,

“Oh dear, this could be very bad, put him on frequent eye drops & come back in 1 week”.

 At this point, we started to worry he would need surgery.  After talking to another pet owner, we decided to join SPCA, to get reasonable quality healthcare for a reasonable price (the equivalent of public healthcare for pets?)

 Fortunately, the vet at SPCA said his ulcer was no longer infected, even though the hole would probably persist.  We patted ourselves on the back for having made the great decision to join SPCA, which was handy when Crookshanks needed dental cleaning (and undergo general anesthesia for it) & then when he needed to be treated for hypercalcemia (high calcium) which they incidentally found during the blood-taking for anesthesia…


However, recently Mama & Baba got a text from Mama’s sister (Iz) saying “Seems to be a slight fleshy bulge on lower side of left eye”


We decided he needed to see the vet.

 Iz took him to the vet, who diagnosed a corneal ulcer, needing eye drops, oral pain killer & cone.  At this point, we’re thinking again?!  Having researched a bit, I find that exotic shorthairs have flat faces and big eyes and are therefore prone to eye disorders like scratches and ulcers.

 1 week later, he went to SPCA.  We were told that “The original wound seems like it’s healing but another corneal ulcer has developed and it is bulging, afraid of rupture”

 Oh dear, 2 ulcers?!!

 The SPCA vet asked us whether we would continue eye drops and hope would heal, or see a specialist.  We were quite surprised, as we thought SPCA was the equivalent of public healthcare for pets and would, therefore have specialists.  It turned out that there is only 1 specialist in HK & he’s in private practice!  We decided to see a specialist.  Oh dear, cat expenses suddenly became much pricier than we anticipated!

 We took him to the specialist at VSH (urgent appointment) & were told to give him hourly eye drops (fee:  $3950).  Hourly!  Luckily, we have a helper who easily picked up the skill of administering eye drops.  Downside:  she also has a toddler to look after full-time, so she cannot always remember to put them in every hour + she has to keep an overenthusiastic X away from Crookshanks all the time (very difficult, as X is a very quick & active boy!)……..  & then typhoon 10 happened & we ran out of eye drops just as it was about to be hoisted!

 I had the brainwave of running down to our pharmacy to procure human eyedrops... It turns out antibiotic eye drops are the same, regardless of whether they are for cats or humans!  I managed to get the exact same one that Crookshanks ran out of!  Another eye drop that Crookshanks ran out of was serum, I did a bit of researching & found this:

Could it be that his serum was from blood donations (such generous pets & pet owners!)?  It was $380 for another bottle.  Given how precious it is, I think it’s possible….

 Lo and behold, on follow-up, the vet said the ulcer had healed but suggested surgery for the pink bulge as it affected a large part of tear production.  Apparently, this pink bulge is called cherry eye, which means his 3rd eyelid gland popped out & is common in exotic shorthairs (fun fact:  cats have 1 more eyelid than us… 3!)

 At this point, we really started to think about buying insurance (finally… although actually, I don’t know any pet owners who bought insurance!)  But the vet also said his cherry eye could worse any time & then it would be too late to do surgery.  So surgery 1st….

 Here you can see the bill:



It is interesting to note that the vet’s fee was less than half of the bill (similar to human private hospitals…)

 The surgery went fine, except the nurse suggested picking him up the same day instead of boarding as originally intended, as he’s got a bit of temper and not too cooperative (read:  he was bashing himself against the cage angrily).

 When he got home, he was initially very agitated, and he shot out of the bag with MUCH force once it was opened and knocked over a flower pot..  Poor baby in a cone…



Now the question is whether to buy insurance.  And if so, when & which one?

 Given that Crookshanks will age & probably have more health problems, after this time, we thought it would be a good idea.  However, when buying the insurance company asks whether your pet has had any illness in the past 90 days.  I asked my insurance agent friend whether our premium would go up if we bought right after the surgery.  Her answer was yes.

 I did some research & found this website comparing pet insurance plans

 I suddenly realized that there is an issue with the age limit and the last coverage age & Crookshanks is supposedly 8 years old, the age limit of most pet insurance plans!  It seems that OneDegree Pawfect Care is the most generous for both of these.  However, what will the premium be when we have to answer he had surgery?


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Took Rory to the GP to get antibiotics because he has been having coughing + runny nose for 3-4 weeks already, what shall we do?
Google News 追蹤
父愛如山, 從嬰幼兒時期至現在阿爸為的我這視障孩子所做的種種
2024.07.11 昨天沒發生什麼特別的事情可以講,然後情勒仔也都待在蟲哥那邊所以逮不到貓拍照,就沒發日誌了。 不過昨天半夜的時候有去看一下情勒仔,發現他的瞬膜突然間充滿紅色血絲,遠看眼睛也紅紅的感覺像是發炎,蟲蟲就趕緊發訊息跟蟲哥講。 今天再看情勒仔的時候,可能是因為眼藥水有起
2024.07.08 今天逮到貓的時候順便檢查了一下情勒仔的眼睛。 感覺那個角膜破洞的地方還是一樣,不知道修復完全需要花多久時間,不過蟲蟲發現到情勒仔那隻眼睛好像已經看不到了,對於在右邊晃動的物體完全沒有反應,不會像左眼那樣會反射性地眨眼。 或許是這個原因才沒有痛覺之類的吧,看他反
2024.07.06 昨天情勒仔晚上看完醫生回到家後,蟲蟲突然發現到情勒仔右眼的角膜上破了一個洞,懷疑是因為腫瘤導致角膜破裂,就跟蟲哥說了這件事。 蟲哥好像也覺得有點擔心就說他今天會去預約門診。 不過因為他約完也沒跟蟲蟲說,是要出門前才突然跟蟲蟲說要帶情勒仔看醫生,因為該問的昨天都
奇奇 是我今年從小城里愛心認養小棧領養的貓 奇奇還是浪浪時 是在某間工廠的角落被發現的 當時眼睛就已經受傷張不開了 後來,中途之家安排了微創眼睛手術 術後,奇奇一度陷入生命危險,口吐白沫 今年1/10 我在FB認識奇奇時 知道牠眼睛因術後陷入生命危險 立馬啟動遠端靈氣治療 當下穩定了病情後 我
一、看封面,這是什麼動物?牠怎麼了? 二、聽故事 三、認識語詞:強壯、溫柔、幽默 四、動動腦: 1.故事一開始,小豬為什麼哭了呢? 2.看到小豬哭了,好朋友們做了什麼事? 3.故事中每個小動物都非常崇拜牠們的爸爸,你還記得不同動物的專長嗎? 4.小豬會怎麼描述自己爸爸厲害的地方
父愛如山, 從嬰幼兒時期至現在阿爸為的我這視障孩子所做的種種
2024.07.11 昨天沒發生什麼特別的事情可以講,然後情勒仔也都待在蟲哥那邊所以逮不到貓拍照,就沒發日誌了。 不過昨天半夜的時候有去看一下情勒仔,發現他的瞬膜突然間充滿紅色血絲,遠看眼睛也紅紅的感覺像是發炎,蟲蟲就趕緊發訊息跟蟲哥講。 今天再看情勒仔的時候,可能是因為眼藥水有起
2024.07.08 今天逮到貓的時候順便檢查了一下情勒仔的眼睛。 感覺那個角膜破洞的地方還是一樣,不知道修復完全需要花多久時間,不過蟲蟲發現到情勒仔那隻眼睛好像已經看不到了,對於在右邊晃動的物體完全沒有反應,不會像左眼那樣會反射性地眨眼。 或許是這個原因才沒有痛覺之類的吧,看他反
2024.07.06 昨天情勒仔晚上看完醫生回到家後,蟲蟲突然發現到情勒仔右眼的角膜上破了一個洞,懷疑是因為腫瘤導致角膜破裂,就跟蟲哥說了這件事。 蟲哥好像也覺得有點擔心就說他今天會去預約門診。 不過因為他約完也沒跟蟲蟲說,是要出門前才突然跟蟲蟲說要帶情勒仔看醫生,因為該問的昨天都
奇奇 是我今年從小城里愛心認養小棧領養的貓 奇奇還是浪浪時 是在某間工廠的角落被發現的 當時眼睛就已經受傷張不開了 後來,中途之家安排了微創眼睛手術 術後,奇奇一度陷入生命危險,口吐白沫 今年1/10 我在FB認識奇奇時 知道牠眼睛因術後陷入生命危險 立馬啟動遠端靈氣治療 當下穩定了病情後 我
一、看封面,這是什麼動物?牠怎麼了? 二、聽故事 三、認識語詞:強壯、溫柔、幽默 四、動動腦: 1.故事一開始,小豬為什麼哭了呢? 2.看到小豬哭了,好朋友們做了什麼事? 3.故事中每個小動物都非常崇拜牠們的爸爸,你還記得不同動物的專長嗎? 4.小豬會怎麼描述自己爸爸厲害的地方