TAIPEI GaySpa review WARM SPA Arthur

閱讀時間約 7 分鐘

Store:warm-spa BY Haruko

Master: Arthur

Master's role in this scene: MAN TOP

Appearance (0-10): 8 (I compare the photos to be good-looking and masculine, with 18/5 weapons).

Body (0-10):7 (basic athletic heterosexual man’s body)

Shiatsu (0-10):9 (all of them are ANDY’s apprentices)

Oil pressure (0-10):8 (with certificate)

Cooperation degree (0-10):10 (completely satisfies my fantasy)

Boyfriend Power (0-10):8 ( considerate and polite)

Environment (0-10):8 (spacious, comfortable and large space)


Short review:



I saw Arthur wearing a basketball uniform at WARM SPA, which suited my hobby, so I made an appointment first. During the process, the customer service staff also told me that they should be able to give me a surprise.


When I arrived at the designated place, I saw Arthur covered in sweat, wearing a basketball uniform, white socks, and carrying a JS backpack. The whole thing gave me a hard blow and I got hard!!


It turned out that Arthur had just rushed over after playing basketball with his friends. Not long after entering the room, Arthur changed into a neat uniform and helped me start acupressure (a little disappointing).


I have to say that I was really surprised that this little boy of college age had such massage skills. The acupressure process was very smooth, and it didn’t make people feel like the master was getting lost and just repeating a few movements.


During the massage, chatting with Arthur was very relaxed, full of heterosexuality, and the most important thing is that he was very polite. From the beginning to the end, I just felt a very comfortable interaction. He is a serious kid who is attentive to his work.



Entering the acupressure process, I couldn’t help but ask Arthur to put on the basketball outfit he just wore and help me perform oil pressure.


At this time, a basketball meat was helping me press the oil. I couldn't suppress the excitement in my heart, and stretched out my hand to test the strength of little Arthur. After the restraint was removed, an unusually strong musk scent floated over my neck, and I felt that pride all over my neck. Put it in your mouth,








Finally, Arthur politely led me into the shower, not caring that my clothes would get stained with a lot of high-end essential oils in the process. Such a polite, good and good service kid, I can only invite six kids to thank him for his service today.



Skilled, fresh, huge, polite, and good-looking

Don’t steal time, don’t be lazy, don’t be arrogant

I have mastered all five yes and three no principles.


Highly recommended!!!!




Line:@warmspa (記得➕小老鼠)







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