TGIF / Born to Shine Toastmasters Meetings

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TGIF / Born to Shine Toastmasters Meetings

TGIF / Born to Shine Toastmasters Meetings

TGIF / Born to Shine Toastmasters Meetings


TGIF and Born to Shine are back to LIVE MEETINGS.

Time: 07:00pm – 09:30pm

Official start time for meeting: 7:15pmOur Meeting Venue/Address:

Venue: SW6 Meeting Place, Room 602

6F, No.279, Xinyi Road, Sec. 4, Taipei, Taiwan

地點: SW6 找場地, 602教室

台北市大安區信義路四段279號6樓(捷運紅線信義安和站5號出口後左轉, 走路2分鐘)

Entry fee of NT$ 100 to help cover mtg cost of room rental.


Dynamic training in Public Speaking and Leadership. College age to Seasoned Professionals. Visitors Most Welcome to come and learn what we are all about! Regular meetings, casual attire. All ages welcome.

Time: 07:00pm – 09:30pm

Our Meeting Venue/Address:Venue: SW6 Meeting Place, Room 6026F, No.279, Xinyi Road, Sec. 4, Taipei, Taiwan

We have an open invitation for all to join our event.

Come and enjoy Friday evening with us to learn to grow together. Our club is built on LOVE to help others grow and shine.FB pages:

Don't be intimidated if you only see that 1, 2, or 3 people are signed up to come. We average 25 to 50 attendees per meeting. Main pages are on FB!

Come join a motivated, cohesive, fun-loving, bi-lingual group that strives for excellence in speaking skills, leadership, teamwork and personal growth.

We operate under Toastmasters International, an organization with 97 years of experience and legacy of training in public speaking and leadership, and conduct our meetings about 70% in English and 30% in Chinese.

We are 2 of the top performing clubs in Taiwan, and also in Toastmasters Worldwide rigorous rankings of key performance indicators.

Success of our members include champions in Toastmasters Nationwide Speech competitions, Humor, Speech Evaluation, and Impromptu Table Topics in English and Chinese Competitions.

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Google News 追蹤
根據維基大百科記載,《Born to Be Wild 》是一首由Mars Bonfire創作的歌曲,最初由Steppenwolf作為單曲發行。雖然歌詞沒有特別提到摩托車,但自1969年電影《逍遙騎士》(Easy Rider)中當作主題曲之後,這首歌就成為摩托車騎士的註冊商標歌曲了。
本文探討老歌在現代電影中的重要地位,尤其是1969年發表的經典歌曲《Borne to Be Wild》。這首歌不僅是Steppenwolf樂團的代表作,更在多部電影中被致敬使用,證明其持久的生命力與影響力。從NBA賽事到《水行俠2》,老歌不斷被新世代的作品重新挖掘,反映了文化的傳承和經典作品的魅力。
TGIF / Born to Shine Toastmasters Meetings Details TGIF and Born to S
根據維基大百科記載,《Born to Be Wild 》是一首由Mars Bonfire創作的歌曲,最初由Steppenwolf作為單曲發行。雖然歌詞沒有特別提到摩托車,但自1969年電影《逍遙騎士》(Easy Rider)中當作主題曲之後,這首歌就成為摩托車騎士的註冊商標歌曲了。
本文探討老歌在現代電影中的重要地位,尤其是1969年發表的經典歌曲《Borne to Be Wild》。這首歌不僅是Steppenwolf樂團的代表作,更在多部電影中被致敬使用,證明其持久的生命力與影響力。從NBA賽事到《水行俠2》,老歌不斷被新世代的作品重新挖掘,反映了文化的傳承和經典作品的魅力。
TGIF / Born to Shine Toastmasters Meetings Details TGIF and Born to S