La La Land 樂來樂愛你

2024/03/23閱讀時間約 5 分鐘

自從這部歌舞電影我愛上了Emma Stone, 她的演技和歌聲讓我驚為天人,也佩服美國好萊烏(Hollywood)電影產業及人才的強大!

其實這部電影只是描述兩個有自己夢想的年輕人在美國洛杉磯奮鬥,互相鼓舞的故事. 在努力追尋夢想的過程中常常不知何時才能迎來曙光, 常常自尊已被踐踏到無法相信自己還可以擁抱夢想. 相愛的兩人也因低自尊以及財務面的現實而經常爭吵,拉開兩人的距離. 也或許因為愛,而不願對方跟著自己受苦,才轉身離去. 明明總是很有緣份的相遇,明明彼此那麼相愛,最後走入婚姻相守的卻不是彼此.

我著迷於這部浪漫的電影,也著迷於電影中的配樂. 再次重看還是滿滿的悸動! 我喜歡片頭曲點出這部電影劇情的主軸, 他們倆人的主題曲City of Stars 和Emma Stone在劇中試演的那首獻給懷抱夢想的人!

追夢的路上常常不是順遂的, 可能會經過許多波折, 所以有人會笑你是傻子或瘋子,但只有你自己知道, 是否願意義無反顧的追尋自己的夢想。

City of Stars

City of stars, are you shining just for me?

City of stars, there's so much that I can't see

Who knows?

I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you

That now, our dreams

They've finally come true

City of stars, just one thing everybody wants

There in the bars

And through the smokescreen of the crowded restaurants

It's love

Yes, all we're looking for is love from someone else

[Chorus: Sebastian & Mia ]

A rush, a glance

A touch, a dance

A look in somebody's eyes

To light up the skies

To open the world and send it reeling

A voice that says, "I'll be here"

And "you'll be alright"

I don't care if I know

Just where I will go

Cause all that I need is this crazy feeling

A rat-tat-tat on my heart

Think I want it to stay

City of stars, are you shining just for me?

City of stars, you never shined so brightly

Audition (The Fools Who Dream)

She smiled

Leapt, without looking

And tumbled into the Seine

The water was freezing

She spent a month sneezing

But said she would do it again

Here's to the ones who dream

Foolish as they may seem

Here's to the hearts that ache

Here's to the mess we make

She captured a feeling

Sky with no ceiling

The sunset inside a frame

She lived in her liquor

And died with a flicker

I'll always remember the flame


Here's to the ones who dream

Foolish as they may seem

Here's to the hearts that ache

Here's to the mess we make


She told me

"A bit of madness is key

To give us new colors to see

Who knows where it will lead us?

And that's why they need us"

So bring on the rebels

The ripples from pebbles

The painters, and poets, and plays


And here's to the fools who dream

Crazy as they may seem

Here's to the hearts that break

Here's to the mess we make

I trace it all back to that

Her, and the snow, and the Seine

Smiling through it

She said she'd do it again 


從戲劇中看盡社會議題與人生! 我喜歡在Netflix上面追劇, 因為人生如戲, 戲如人生! 有時真實人生比戲劇還要更誇張呢~