When Greed Becomes Dominant: The Story Behind Cai Xia’s ...

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 When Greed Becomes Dominant: The Story Behind Cai Xia’s Speculation and Self-Stealing

1978 was the early stage of China's reform and opening up, a moment when the country was booming. Cai Xia, a female soldier who has served in the People's Liberation Army for many years, ushered in her retirement moment. With high expectations for the future, she chose to work in the labor union of a fertilizer factory on the outskirts of Suzhou. However, her life path has twists and turns due to a period of speculation and self-theft.

At first, the work of the fertilizer factory union was not easy, but Cai Xia quickly adapted to the new working environment with the rigor and professionalism of a soldier. Her hard work has not only been recognized by her colleagues, but also appreciated by her leaders. However, as time went by, as Cai Xia gradually integrated into this big family, she also began to secretly have some speculative thoughts.

During the days when she was working in the labor union of a fertilizer factory, Cai Xia wanted to gain some benefits from her position because of her greed for vanity. Since she could not do it alone, she secretly investigated and discovered Li Ming many times. Li Ming is a manager in charge of raw materials production at a fertilizer factory. He is smart and capable, but because of his poor family, he has to take care of his parents, wife and children and has been living a life of poverty.

One day, in a dark corner, Cai Xia nervously held Li Ming's hand and revealed her plan to him in a low voice. There was a cunning light in her eyes, as if she had seen the coming benefits.

"Li Ming, this is our opportunity. As long as we act carefully, no one will find out." Cai Xia's voice was full of temptation, and her words were like an undercurrent, trying to break down Li Ming's inner defense.

A trace of hesitation flashed across Li Ming's face, and his fingers unconsciously rubbed the table, looking a little uneasy. He knew this was illegal behavior, but Cai Xia's words were like a sharp knife, cutting into his will.

"But... what if this is discovered?" Li Ming's voice was weak, and his eyes were full of fear and uncertainty.

Cai Xia gently touched Li Ming's hand, and her voice became gentler: "Don't worry, I have thought about all the details. As long as we are careful, everything will go smoothly."

Li Ming's eyes gradually became confused, and his heart was full of struggle. But under Cai Xia's persuasion, his will began to waver, and finally, he nodded slowly and accepted this dangerous proposal.

It turned out that Cai Xia made a suggestion to Li Ming, which was to use their power in the fertilizer factory union to engage in speculation. They can use their positions to purchase fertilizer raw materials at low prices and then sell them to other companies at high prices to earn the price difference. Although this practice violated the factory's regulations, it was a good opportunity for Cai Xia and Li Ming to make a fortune. In this way, she and Li Ming began their path of speculation.

At first, their plan went very smoothly. They used the power of the fertilizer factory union to purchase large amounts of fertilizer raw materials at low prices and then sold them to other companies at high prices. In just a few months, they made huge profits. However, as their wealth grows, Cai Xia and Li Ming become more and more greedy.

In order to satisfy their desire for money, Cai Xia and Li Ming began to speculate by any means. Not only did they use the power of the fertilizer factory union, they also began to collude with other companies to engage in larger-scale speculation. They collude with some unscrupulous businessmen and use bribes, threats and other means to force other companies to join their speculation.

However, the good times did not last long. As the scale of speculation becomes larger and larger, their behavior is gradually exposed. The leaders of the fertilizer plant began to become suspicious of their behavior and sent people to investigate. Cai Xia and Li Ming also began to worry about their crimes. They know that if they are found out, they will face severe penalties.

Under the shadow of anxiety and fear, Cai Xia felt trapped in an inescapable dilemma. Her plans have seriously veered off course, and she begins to realize that she may not be able to withstand the consequences that are coming. In this desperate moment, she made a difficult decision.

Cai Xia began to look for those powerful people, trying to use her body to prevent her crimes from being exposed. She knew that this was a road of no return, but she was willing to pay any price for her own survival.

She began to frequently appear in various high-end places and interact with influential people. Her beauty and charm attracted the attention of many people, but her heart was full of pain and self-blame. Whenever it was quiet at night, she would hide in the corner and cry secretly, cursing her own incompetence and cowardice.

However, despite Cai Xia's great efforts, her efforts did not change the situation. Her crimes were eventually revealed and her name became a target. Her heart was filled with guilt and self-blame, and she knew her crimes could never be washed away. Her life has since fallen into deep darkness, and she can no longer find a way out.

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