每日英語 #020 - Email Attachments

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Email Attachments

These days, when applying for a job, “applicant” (person applying for something) may be asked to submit their “resumes” (document listing one’s education and job experience) “electronically” (using a computer or computer program).


An “attachment” is anything extra that is added to or connected to the main thing. In an email, an attachment is usually a file that is also included within the email and that one can open by clicking onto an “icon” (small image, picture). Your resume may be attached to an email when applying for a job.


The most common phrases people use are “attached is/are” or “I’ve attached.”

  • “I’ve attached three photos for you to choose from.”
  • “Attached is the sales report for the month of June.”


  • “我已附上三張照片供您選擇。”
  • “附件是六月的銷售報告。”

If you want to be a little more formal, you can use the phrases “attached please find” or “please find attached.” These are more appropriate for formal business emails.

  • “Please find attached the customer lists for our new products.”
  • “Attached please find three documents related to the court case we discussed.”
  • “Thank you for taking the time to interview me for the new position at your company. Attached please find a list of my former employers.”


  • “請查收附件中的新產品客戶名單。”
  • “附件請查收我們討論的法院案件相關的三份文件。”
  • “感謝您抽出時間面試我貴公司的新職位。附件請查收我的前任雇主名單。”

If you are sending a letter in the mail, you can use the “attached” phrases listed above when what you are adding/attaching is “stapled” (attached to a piece of paper using a small wire clip that goes through both pieces of paper) to or “paper clipped” (attached to a piece of paper using a small wire clip that binds the two pages together) to the letter. If it is not physically attached but included in the same envelope or package, then use “enclosed” instead.

  • “Enclosed is an example of the new packaging for our product.”
  • “Please find enclosed the reports from the past six months.”


  • “隨信附上我們產品新包裝的範例。”
  • “請查收隨信附上的過去六個月的報告。”


  • Applicant (申請人) - /ˈæplɪkənt/
  • Resume (履歷) - /rɪˈzuːm/
  • Electronically (電子地) - /ɪlɛkˈtrɒnɪkli/
  • Attachment (附件) - /əˈtæʧmənt/
  • Icon (圖標) - /ˈaɪkɒn/
  • Stapled (用釘書針釘住) - /ˈsteɪpld/
  • Paper clipped (用迴紋針夾住) - /ˈpeɪpər klɪpt/
  • Enclosed (隨信附上) - /ɪnˈkləʊzd/
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