每日英語 #034: Healthy Eyes

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Healthy Eyes

To make sure you keep seeing clearly, get a “comprehensive” (complete and thorough) eye exam. An “eye care professional” (eye specialist or doctor) will examine your eyes for signs of “vision” (seeing; sight) problems or eye “diseases” (illnesses). It's the best way to find out if you need “glasses” (frame with glass worn on the nose and over the ears to see better) or “contact lenses” (very small, thin pieces of plastic worn in the eye to see better), or are in the early stages of a serious but “treatable” (able to improve with medical care) eye disease.


The best option is to keep your eyes as healthy as possible throughout your lifetime. Some of the things you can do include getting an eye exam, knowing your family’s eye health history, and eating right. Eat a lot of vegetables, especially dark, “leafy” (with large leaves) greens, such as spinach, and fish high in “omega-3 fatty acids” (a type of healthy fat). Wear “protective” (used to prevent injury) “eyewear” (worn over the eyes) while playing sports and doing other physical activity. Wear sunglasses that block harmful “rays” (light from the sun).


Although most people who have vision problems are 65 years or older, even “preschoolers” (children under the age of 5 or 6) may not see as well as they should. Young children may be “nearsighted,” which means objects far away look “blurred” (unclear). Eyeglasses or contact lenses can correct nearsightedness and help people see better.


For older Americans, “vision loss” (not being able to see as well as before) usually comes from diseases related to “aging” (getting older). A thorough eye exam is often the only way to “detect” (identify) the “onset” (beginning) of these diseases.



  • Comprehensive /ˌkɒmprɪˈhɛnsɪv/ 全面的
  • Eye care professional /aɪ kɛr prəˈfɛʃənəl/ 眼科專業人士
  • Vision /ˈvɪʒən/ 視力
  • Diseases /dɪˈziːzɪz/ 疾病
  • Glasses /ˈɡlæsɪz/ 眼鏡
  • Contact lenses /ˈkɒntækt ˈlɛnzɪz/ 隱形眼鏡
  • Treatable /ˈtriːtəbəl/ 可治療的
  • Leafy /ˈliːfi/ 葉類的
  • Omega-3 fatty acids /oʊˈmeɪɡə θri ˈfæti ˈæsɪdz/ Omega-3脂肪酸
  • Protective /prəˈtɛktɪv/ 保護性的
  • Eyewear /ˈaɪwɛr/ 眼鏡
  • Rays /reɪz/ 光線
  • Preschoolers /ˈpriːˌskuːlərz/ 學齡前兒童
  • Nearsighted /ˈnɪrsaɪtɪd/ 近視的
  • Blurred /blɜrd/ 模糊的
  • Vision loss /ˈvɪʒən lɔs/ 視力喪失
  • Aging /ˈeɪdʒɪŋ/ 老化
  • Detect /dɪˈtɛkt/ 發現
  • Onset /ˈɒnsɛt/ 發病
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