A Screen Here, A Screen There, A Screen Everywhere 到處都有螢幕
The New York Times in 2009 reported on a study of how much time American adults spend looking at different types of screens each day. A “screen,” in this case, is anything that has an electronic display or that shows information. These screens include televisions, computers, cell phones, media players, and more. The study found that adults spend about 8.5 hours each day looking at some kind of screen.《紐約時報》在2009年報導了一項研究,研究美國成年人每天花多少時間看各種螢幕。在這裡,"螢幕"指的是任何有電子顯示或顯示信息的東西。這些螢幕包括電視、電腦、手機、媒體播放器等。研究發現,成年人每天大約花8.5小時看某種螢幕。
Television remains the most-watched “media” (source of information, such as newspapers and Internet websites), with the “average” (typical) adult watching about five hours of TV each day. This does not include watching “recorded” (not live; not being broadcasted right now) programs or movies.
Here are some other “findings” (results):
- People between the ages of 18-24 do the most texting, an average of 30 minutes a day.18至24歲的人發短信最多,平均每天30分鐘。
- People between the ages of 25-34 spend the most time watching DVD and VCR videos. 25至34歲的人花最多時間看DVD和錄像帶。
- People between the ages of 35-44 spend the most time on the Internet, about 75 minutes a day. 35至44歲的人花最多時間在互聯網上,約每天75分鐘。
- People between the ages of 45-54 spend the most time in front of screens, about 1 hour more than other adults. 45至54歲的人在螢幕前花的時間最多,比其他成年人多約1小時。
- People tend to “underestimate” (believing that something is less than it really is) how much time they watch TV by about 25%, probably due to the “social stigma” (disapproval from other people) of watching a lot of television. 人們傾向於“低估”(認為某事物比實際少)他們看電視的時間約25%,可能是因為看很多電視的“社會污名”(來自其他人的不贊同)。
- 1. screen 螢幕 /skriːn/
- 2. display 顯示 /dɪˈspleɪ/
- 3. media 媒體 /ˈmiːdiə/
- 4. average 平均 /ˈævərɪdʒ/
- 5. recorded 錄製的 /rɪˈkɔːrdɪd/
- 6. findings 發現 /ˈfaɪndɪŋz/
- 7. texting 發短信 /ˈtɛkstɪŋ/
- 8. Internet 互聯網 /ˈɪntərˌnɛt/
- 9. underestimate 低估 /ˌʌndərˈɛstɪmeɪt/
- 10. social stigma 社會污名 /ˈsoʊʃəl ˈstɪɡmə/