新聞週報 | 20240805-0811

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⚡️Bangladesh 孟加拉組臨時政府

The prime minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, resigned and fled to neighboring India on Monday after protesters stormed her official residence after weeks of deadly anti-government demonstrations.


The military form an interim government in the wake of Hasina’s resignation, led by Muhammad Yunus, a Nobel Peace laureate will aim to bring stability to Bangladesh.


Yunus won the Nobel Peace Prize for his pioneering microfinance work that helped alleviate poverty in Bangladesh and was widely adopted around the world.


He has been sworn in as Bangladesh's interim leader, vowing to "uphold, support and protect the constitution".



Last Sunday, riots erupted in northern England, with rioters setting fire to hotels used to shelter asylum seekers. The unrest was triggered by the stabbing deaths of three children a week earlier.


Subsequent unrest has been fuelled by misinformation online, the far right and anti-immigration sentiment, outrage boiled over into racist violence.




Costco is implementing stricter policies and cracking down on non-members using other people’s cards by requiring shoppers to scan their membership cards to enter stores.


The new rule also requires guests to be accompanied by a valid cardholder to enter its stores, making it more difficult for non-members to sneak in using cards that don’t belong to them.


The move comes as an extension of the system tested out at some stores earlier this year, which required members to scan their cards at machines placed near the store entrance – instead of just flashing a card to employees.




A plane has crashed in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, killing all 62 people on board, including 58 passengers and four crew.

在巴西聖保羅州有一架飛機墜毀,機上 62 人全數罹難,包含58 名乘客和 4 名機組人員。

Footage circulating on social media shows a plane descending vertically, spiralling as it falls and ultimately landing in a residential area.


The authorities said the flight recorders had been retrieved and are currently under investigation. São Paulo's state Governor, declared three days of mourning.




Lin Yu-ting routed Julia Szeremeta of Poland 5:0 in the final by winning Taiwan’s first Olympic boxing gold medal.


Khelif won Algeria’s first women’s boxing medal with a decisive victory in the welterweight division final, beating Yang Liu of China.

哈利夫在女子 66 公斤級決賽擊敗中國選手楊柳,贏得阿爾及利亞首面女子拳擊獎牌。

Both fighters persevered through an avalanche of criticism and uninformed speculation about their sex during the fight to deliver the best performances of their boxing careers. 在比賽期間,兩位拳擊手都克服了性別受到大量批評和無知猜測,最終取得了拳擊生涯中最好的表現。




時事英文的沙龍 的其他內容
Instant noodles 大韓航空宣布停止提供方便麵/ Boxing controversy 巴黎奧運女性拳擊手性別爭議/ Suicide bombers 索馬利亞海灘餐廳遭自殺炸彈攻擊/ Doubles gold 台灣獲得奧運羽球雙打金牌
Northern California and Canada are facing a massive wildfire, forcing hundreds of homes have been destroyed and thousands of people to evacuate.
The U.S. outbreaks of human infections with bird flu, or H5N1and the total number of human cases of H5N1 has reached 13 since April.
Bangladeshi students are protesting against the government's quota system for civil service hiring have escalated into deadly violence.
A heatwave from Africa is sweeping southern Europe, with temperatures expected to reach 43 degrees C ,and this is the earliest on record.
Instant noodles 大韓航空宣布停止提供方便麵/ Boxing controversy 巴黎奧運女性拳擊手性別爭議/ Suicide bombers 索馬利亞海灘餐廳遭自殺炸彈攻擊/ Doubles gold 台灣獲得奧運羽球雙打金牌
Northern California and Canada are facing a massive wildfire, forcing hundreds of homes have been destroyed and thousands of people to evacuate.
The U.S. outbreaks of human infections with bird flu, or H5N1and the total number of human cases of H5N1 has reached 13 since April.
Bangladeshi students are protesting against the government's quota system for civil service hiring have escalated into deadly violence.
A heatwave from Africa is sweeping southern Europe, with temperatures expected to reach 43 degrees C ,and this is the earliest on record.