泰國國王簽署婚姻平權法案成為法律,法案生效後,泰國將繼台灣和尼泊爾之後,成為亞洲第三個允許同性婚姻合法國家。目前法案將於明年 1 月 22 日生效。
Thailand's king has signed a marriage equality bill into law, making the country the first in South East Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.
When the law comes into effect, Thailand will become only the third place in Asia to allow for marriage equality after Taiwan and Nepal.
The bill cleared the Senate in June but required royal endorsement to become law. It will come into effect on 22 January next year.
法案於六月在參議院獲得通過,但需要皇室的認可才能成為法律。該法案將於明年 1 月 22 日生效。
“Congratulations to everyone’s love,” Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra wrote on X, adding the hashtag #LoveWins.
Thailand has long been seen as a relative haven for the LGBTQ+ community in a region where such attitudes are rare.
長期以來,泰國一直被視為 LGBTQ+ 群體的避風港,這種態度很少見。
The new law uses gender-neutral terms in place of "husbands", "wives", "men" and "women". And it grants same-sex couples adoption and inheritance rights.
💡參考內容: CNN、BBC