What is an e-Tendering System?

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As digital technology advances, more and more companies are improving their procurement processes by adopting online bidding methods. This shift has made e-Tendering a critical component in the development and growth of enterprises. To keep up with the trends of the internet era, e-Tendering is gradually replacing traditional paper-based methods, offering unprecedented opportunities and challenges to all parties involved, including the tenderers, bidders, and tendering agents. So, what exactly is e-Tendering? Let’s explore this further.

What is an e-Tendering System?

An e-Tendering and bidding system is a platform based on internet technology that digitizes, networks, and highly integrates the entire process of tendering, bidding, evaluation, and contracting. The system primarily consists of two components: the network security system and the online business system. It facilitates a series of operations such as online tendering, bidding, bid opening, bid evaluation, and supervision, ultimately achieving efficient, professional, standardized, secure, and low-cost tender management.


Components of e-Tendering and Bidding

The e-Tendering system is designed to allow both purchasers and suppliers to complete all activities such as tendering, bidding, bid opening, bid evaluation, and final selection online. Generally, its main components include:

- Tender and procurement management platform

- Transaction service platform

- Information resource platform

- Supervision and management platform

- Operation support platform

- Collaborative office platform

The Role of e-Tendering

Compared to traditional paper-based tender systems, the e-Tendering and bidding system, driven by network information technology, plays a pivotal role in resolving the contradictions between "fairness, justice, openness" and "optimal selection," as well as between "quality" and "efficiency" in traditional tendering models.

The well-known 8Manage SRM e-Tendering and procurement platform, for instance, provides efficient, fair, and comprehensive monitoring for corporate tendering processes, ensuring the security of all tendering activities and information. The role of e-Tendering is mainly reflected in the following six aspects:

1. Online Tender Management

Conducting tenders online helps streamline processes, making them more standardized. The e-Tendering system automatically invites and manages the submission of relevant tender documents, allowing procurement managers to focus on other tasks rather than ensuring that bid submissions are accurate and timely.

A good e-Tendering system not only makes it simple and convenient for both you and the bidders to upload and download documents but also helps you simplify the comparison and evaluation processes.

2. Automation of the Tendering Process

From pre-qualification questionnaires and tendering to bid evaluation, negotiation, and awarding, e-Tendering systems significantly enhance efficiency through process automation. With an e-Tendering system, inviting more potential bidders becomes easier, and running negotiation models like reverse auctions is more straightforward, ensuring optimal pricing within the best service offerings context. Each time a tender is conducted, the 8Manage SRM automatically applies pre-set rules in the background and automatically pre-selects suppliers that match the current tender, reducing human intervention and improving efficiency and accuracy.

3. Comprehensive Audit Trails and Processes

A well-designed tendering platform is data-centric, meaning that every tender process generates intelligence on the process and provides comprehensive audit trails. This allows you to track what was submitted and when. Additionally, it provides in-depth insights into the effectiveness of the tendering process.


The 8Manage SRM e-Tendering system automatically collects all tendering statistics, such as supplier participation rates, shortlisted rates, successful project completion rates, late delivery rates, and return rates. This data can be used to generate multi-dimensional reports within the system, helping companies conduct effective and accurate analyses. Moreover, the 8Manage SRM system offers robust security mechanisms to ensure the safety of all tendering processes and information.

4. Cost Reduction and Sustainable Green Tendering

Using an e-Tendering system allows bidders to save on postage costs, and with the reduced need for printing and mailing multiple copies, the environmental impact is also minimized. An almost paperless procurement process eliminates the costs associated with paper, printing, ink, and copying.

5. Reduced Process Time

Traditional procurement processes often involve lengthy delays due to pre-qualification questionnaires, distribution of tender documents, rounds of questions, and extensive follow-ups. The data-centric 8Manage SRM e-Tendering system supports the online completion of various procurement processes, including plan submission, document preparation, announcement publication, expert selection, bid evaluation, and contract signing. It is estimated that using an e-Tendering system can reduce procurement time by about 30%.

6. Prevention of Procurement Corruption

While tendering cannot solve corruption at its root, it can supplement institutional prevention with technical measures, allowing for an organic combination of technical and institutional prevention. For example, the 8Manage SRM e-Tendering system allows for pre-certification and determination of supplier qualifications and performance, effectively eliminating issues such as bid-rigging or falsification of credentials from a technical and managerial perspective.


Compared to traditional tendering methods, e-Tendering standardizes and proceduralizes the entire tendering process, with the primary goal of reducing costs and increasing revenue. The 8Manage SRM e-Tendering system provides fair and comprehensive real-time monitoring for corporate procurement, achieving efficient, professional, standardized, secure, and low-cost fully automated tender management for enterprises. Implementing a well-designed e-Tendering system will help companies gain a competitive edge.

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