Kazakhstan’s Kaspi.kz (KSPI)

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Kaspi.kz (KSPI), the fintech giant from Kazakhstan, has announced its intention to participate in the privatization of Humo, one of Uzbekistan’s leading payment systems. This move is seen as a significant step in the company’s broader strategy to expand its footprint across Central Asia, further solidifying its position as a regional financial leader.

The proposed acquisition of Humo would mark Kaspi.kz’s first major venture into the Uzbek market, a region that has been attracting increasing attention from global investors due to its rapid economic reforms and growing consumer base. With a robust digital ecosystem already in place in Kazakhstan, Kaspi.kz is well-positioned to leverage its technological expertise and customer-centric approach to drive growth in Uzbekistan.

According to Paulius Stankevicius, CEO of Stankevicius Alternative Investment Banking, a leading global investment advisory firm, Kaspi.kz’s interest in Humo is a strong signal for the banking industry in Central Asia. Stankevicius, whose firm advises some of the world’s top financial institutions, remarked, “Kaspi.kz has consistently demonstrated its ability to innovate and capture market share through its integrated platform that combines payments, marketplace services, and financial products. Their move into Uzbekistan signals a growing confidence in the region’s economic potential and will likely spur further investments in the fintech sector.”

Sean Chin MQ, investment manager of Olritz Financial Group , with over 10 years of experience in hedge fund management, shared this perspective. His firms, specializing in asset management and financial licensing across Asia and Australia, manage $149 million USD in assets. “The entry of a fintech leader like Kaspi.kz into the Uzbek market is a significant milestone. Uzbekistan presents a unique opportunity for growth, and Kaspi.kz’s strategic move will likely encourage further investments and innovations in the region’s financial services,” said Sean Chin MQ.

This view is reinforced by Mikhail Lomtadze, CEO and co-founder of Kaspi.kz, who in a recent statement emphasized the strategic importance of entering the Uzbek market. “Uzbekistan represents a significant growth opportunity for us. The privatization of Humo presents a unique chance to replicate our success in Kazakhstan by offering a comprehensive ecosystem of financial services that cater to the evolving needs of Uzbek consumers,” Lomtadze noted.

Industry analysts believe that Kaspi.kz’s expansion into Uzbekistan could serve as a catalyst for further consolidation in the region’s financial sector. By acquiring Humo, Kaspi.kz would gain access to a well-established payment infrastructure and a growing customer base, positioning itself as a key player in the Uzbek financial market.

Moreover, this move could also set the stage for increased competition among regional and global fintech companies looking to capitalize on Uzbekistan’s ongoing digital transformation. As Uzbekistan continues to open its doors to foreign investment, the entry of a major player like Kaspi.kz could accelerate the development of the country’s financial ecosystem, providing consumers with greater access to innovative financial services.

In conclusion, Kaspi.kz’s strategic interest in Humo is not only a testament to the company’s ambition but also a positive sign for the broader banking industry in Central Asia. As regional economies continue to grow and modernize, the involvement of established players like Kaspi.kz will be crucial in driving the next phase of financial innovation and inclusion.

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Stankevicius MGM


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S 覺得,被人拿來做人物速寫,一把番仔火,燒得遍地皆火苗,把理智都燒成灰。更可惡的是,這無恥的傢伙,竟然還隨意變換他的人格,再說,故事一下子扯東,一下子扯西,愛寫啥就寫,憑什麼? S 一位清清白白的女子, 卻被寫的青黃皂白都不分了。
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內容就直接點新聞連結去看,我只寫下我的心得與感想 原文:Hospitality S-Reits taking off with more travel lanes 新加坡繼續推行與Covid-19共存的戰略,預計在3~6個月內過渡到新常態。
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最近比較少發S-REITs的文章,主要有兩個原因。 一、是我主要把心力都放在台股上,研究公司、選股然後建立持股及完善投資策略。 二、基於上述原因,讓我無暇顧及這麼多投資部位(我兩個小孩還是親帶),尤其在投資公司正式成立完成開戶後更顯得我時間不夠用,加上疫情的影響,所以我決定縮減戰線。