每日英語 #120: The Dumb-Blonde Stereotype in the Media

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The Dumb-Blonde Stereotype in the Media

Many Americans believe in a “dumb-blonde stereotype,” which is the idea that women with “blonde” (yellow- or light-colored) hair are not intelligent and do stupid things. There are many jokes about dumb blondes in “popular culture” (the things that most people participate in) and also in the “media” (television, movies, songs, etc.).


For example, Marilyn Monroe was a famous American actress who was in many popular movies in the 1950s. She was beautiful and very “sexy” (attractive), and she also had blonde hair. Many people assume that she was a dumb blonde – someone with a pretty face, but no “substance” (intelligence and an interesting personality). This probably was not a fair “assessment” (evaluation), but the “notion” (idea) that blondes are “space cadets” (people who are not intelligent and cannot think deeply or seriously) is “pervasive” (common and deep-rooted) in American society.


Farrah Fawcett is an American actress who became very popular in the 1970s and 1980s. Like Marilyn Monroe, she was blonde and was seen as a “sex symbol” (a woman who is viewed as a sexual object more than as an intelligent and interesting person). Likewise, Pamela Anderson is a Canadian American actress who is known as a dumb blonde. All three of these women are attractive and sexy, and for those reasons many people “assume” (believe that something is true without knowing the facts) that they are stupid.


Like all other stereotypes, the dumb-blonde stereotype is “unfair” (not giving equal treatment to all people). “Consequently” (as a result), many blonde-haired women fight against that stereotype, working hard to show that they are intelligent and “capable” (able to do things well).



  • Stereotype (刻板印象) /ˈstɛriəˌtaɪp/
  • Blonde (金髮) /blɑnd/
  • Popular culture (流行文化) /ˈpɑpjələr ˈkʌltʃər/
  • Media (媒體) /ˈmidiə/
  • Substance (內涵) /ˈsʌbstəns/
  • Assessment (評價) /əˈsɛsmənt/
  • Notion (觀念) /ˈnoʊʃən/
  • Space cadet (太空迷糊蛋) /speɪs kəˈdɛt/
  • Pervasive (普遍的) /pərˈveɪsɪv/
  • Sex symbol (性感符號) /sɛks ˈsɪmbəl/
  • Assume (假定) /əˈsum/
  • Unfair (不公平) /ʌnˈfɛr/
  • Consequently (因此) /ˈkɑnsəˌkwɛntli/
  • Capable (有能力的) /ˈkeɪpəbl/
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