每日英語 #121: How to Politely Refuse More Food

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How to Politely Refuse More Food

You are a guest at dinner with friends or “colleagues” (people you work with), and you are offered more food. You’re “full” (not hungry). How do you “refuse” (say ‘no’) politely?


If your “host” (the person who organized the event) cooked the meal, it is considered polite to “compliment” or say something nice about the food before refusing more. There are many ways to give a compliment about food. Here are a few:


  • “That was delicious.”
  • “That’s the best meal I’ve had in a long time.”
  • “Your cooking is such a ‘treat’ (something that gives people a lot of pleasure, but that isn’t experienced often).”
  • “You’ve outdone yourself.” (This means, “You have cooked a meal that is even better than the delicious meals you normally make.” “To outdo (oneself)” means to do or perform better than you have ever done before. You can use this compliment for many other situations.)
    「你超越了自己。」(這意味著「你做的這頓飯比你平常做的美食還要好」。“Outdo oneself” 指的是比過去表現得更好。你可以在許多場合使用這個讚美。)

To refuse more food, you can use one of these phrases:


  • “No, thank you. I couldn’t eat another bite.”
  • “Thank you, but no more for me.”
  • “That was very good, but I’m full.”
  • “I’m ‘stuffed’ (very full) and I can’t eat anymore.”
  • “No, thank you. I don’t have ‘room’ (space) for more.”


  • 1. Refuse (拒絕) [rɪˈfjuz]
  • 2. Full (飽的) [fʊl]
  • 3. Host (主人) [hoʊst]
  • 4. Compliment (讚美) [ˈkɑmpləmənt]
  • 5. Treat (享受) [trit]
  • 6. Outdo (超越) [aʊtˈdu]
  • 7. Bite (一口) [baɪt]
  • 8. Stuffed (吃撐的) [stʌft]
  • 9. Room (空間) [rum]
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